

A tiny squeak emitted from the male pups lips as he was first born. He was the only male in his litter of four other girl pups. His reddish fur made him the new pride of the flame pack and his father named him Vash after himself. The small pup was energetic and as soon as he could leave then den to play outside, was getting into all sorts of trouble.

One night a rouge howl was heard and the packs hunters and trackers went to find the intruding brute. His mother and a few other feas where left to guard the pups and den. Vash's mother left only for a second to get herself a drink from a near by stream when Vash was snatched up and taken away.

He squealed and cried but it didn't matter. The rouge took him away, when he looked up he saw it was a crystal colored fea. He growled at her and she shook him a little. She stopped where humans hadn't put there fire out and tossed Vash in.

The pup cried and shrieked at the hot flamed scared his tiny little body. As he drug himself out of the inferno he saw the crystal wolf smile and fade away into the wind.

Vash tried so hard to howl to his pack, and eventualy fell asleep. When he woke the hunters and trackers, along with his father looked him over. After they decided the pup wasnt theirs they attacked him, leaving three claw marks on his left cheek that trailed down under his chin. His father was the last to look him over, and Vash was afraid this meant his death. Instead his father licked his new wound, nodded to him and trotted away.

Vash was hurt and confused. He found the nearest puddle and looked at himself. He now had a flame like scar engulfing the flesh around his right eye. Around his left front leg what looked like a fire tattoo wound itself up and around to his shoulder before stopping. Behind him, on his back, lay two amber red wings, feathered and slightly blackened from the ash of the flames.

He began to cry and walk, he wandered into many wolves territories before finding one that didnt have a marked sent. It was dawn when he saw three other wolf pups, he slunk around them all and found a den with a white puppy inside, she too was bleeding. She wagged her tail at him and he smiled slightly.

Vash tried to walk a few steps into the den before collapsing on his legs and falling to sleep.

((Any comments? for my two this must really suck if i only have two readers...))