

In one of the most dangerous packs of all the alphess has just had her final litter. She is to old and will probably die before the pups are adults. The pack had always depended on her since her alpha died, she wouldn't take another mate after that. The pack consisted of three males. Kana, the alphess chose who would take over after her, and she wanted one of these pups.

The first two wernt what she was hoping for. Her third pup, though, somehow was. She smiled and paid more attention to him then the rest. She lovingly named him after her brother, Adien. About a week, their mother had forced them from the den. They opened their eyes and took in the pack and the foggy, misty land thy called home.

The pack of the mist were not to be fooled with. There large numbers and aggressive outlooks on life made them relentless fighters. Their mother followed them around and taught them, giving Adien more attention then the others.

Then the night that the pups came out of the den, Kana told the pack who would be taking over after she was gone. Adien smiled and stood as tall as a pup could. The pack protested and snarled at the pup, Kana put a stop to that. She lunged at the closest threaten er and bit into his neck, thrashing him around. She tossed him aside and he coward back.

Kana snarled at them with bloody jaws. " Have I ever lead you wrong?" She asked " Have I ever let you fall?" She said louder then before. The pack mumbled quite nos. Kana growled " WHAT?!" She screamed at them, in unison they called back "NO" Kana kept her fierce look, and Adien tried to copy it. " WILL YOU GO AGENST ME NOW?!" she screamed and again in unison they screamed "NO!" Kana smiled slightly " WILL YOU GO AGENST MY SON?! YOUR BROTHER?!" once more " NO!" Kana smiled. " Good, don't go agenst my better judgment. I wouldn't leave you in unworthily paws. Adien is as strong as me, if not stronger. When he is a yearling he will be able to take all of you. Don't go agenst me again. " With that the pack said there yeses and nods and Kana walked away, Adein behind her, then her other two sons.

Kana later that nigh taught Adien to fight, he was strong, and fast and skilled. He cuddled with his mother that night, her warmth lulling him to sleep.

In the morning, her warmth was gone, her rhythmic breaths silent. Adien knew his mother was gone, maybe it was the fight the night before that took the last of her strength, maybe something in the night had gone wrong. Or maybe she knew it was coming and that's why she told the pack the night before.

Adien shed one tear for his mother then went outside the den and howled the best a pup could, the pack joined him, but only for that. After they called to the mists that held their alphesses soul, they turned on Adien, attacking him for right to the pack. He was beaten and bruised he ran as fast as he could into the mists.

The only two wolves that did not attack him or each other where his to litter mates. They watched him go and then after his bloody form was out of sight they watched as there brothers and sisters tore each other apart.

Adien ran until his legs gave out. He was in a far corner of the packs land. Just at the bottom of a huge cliff. He lay there and panted. Then a crystal colored fea, picked up the little black wolf and beat him up more. Adien fainted before it was said and done. He awoke with blood streaming down his face and white wings with the slightest hint of blue. a scar resembling the mist packs symbol lay over his left eye. Four wavy lines, think enough not to fade away. He also had a silver anklet on his front right paw, he knawed at it, but wit wouldent come off, so he tried to forget about it.

Claw and teeth marks where scattered along his body and he licked them in turn. He cleaned him self threw the night then walked on hoping to find some small prey, like a mouse. Instead his nose picked up the sent of multiple packs. He ran off towards it, not knowing why, but feeling he had too.

when he stopped he saw a little fea also with wings int he brush, she had just woken up and looked into his eyes. He growled at her and looked above him to see another fea, also with wings, but hers where black.

((one last thing to say..COMMENTS PLEASE!!!))