

Thunder rolls and lightning strikes in the night. In the alphas den in the lightning pack, all goes on calmly. The alphess is snuggling with her new born pups, four this litter. Two boys and two girls. Only one pup looked like her mother and father, one little black fea. They named her Tamari, it just sounded right to them.

Another lightning bolt struck and the pups coward under there mother, all but Tamari who was watching the den entrance for another flash of light. She flicked her ears at the rolling thunder and watched the dancing lights. Her mother had to pull her back once or twice before she darted out of the den.

The next morning the pack watched the small lake just a little ways from the den. soon small animals flocked to it, then a small herd of deer. The alpha motioned for them to and they were off chasing one of the larger does.

They downed her quickly and dragged her back to the den. The pups tried to tear at the meat but they let their mother feed them instead. TAmari was watching the dark clouds above.

In the lightning packs territory was always on storm watch, it was that perfect storm condition, all year round. Tamari seemed to always want the lightning, she loved to watch it hit the ground, crackling.

One night when her mother had accidentally fallen asleep, another storm rolled in and thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Tamari looked at her mother only once, then ran out into the storm.

It was a dry storm, no rain, just harsh winds. Tamari looked at the sky, chasing every bolt of lightning she saw. Then out of no where it seemed a large wolf grabbed her up and ran off. Tamari cryed but her voice was drowned out by the thunder.

The wolf took her to the highest point in her packs territory and held her high up. Just as a bolt of lightning started to strike, the wolf tossed Tamari into it.

Tamari yelped as the electric bolt ran through her body. After she hit the ground she layed there, twitching and smoking. She opened her golden eyes not knowing where she was or who she was. She looked around and with shaky steps walked the opposite way from the den.

She came to a puddle, looked in it and saw a scar on her eye that looked like a lightning bolt. She shook her head as the pain from it got to her. She turned to walk away then saw her black wings, as dark as her and the clouds above.

She walked for a long time, then when her legs couldn't carry her any more her will kept on walking. Her wings kept her going, she was dragging her legs but she was moving.

When her legs regained strength both her legs and wings carried her, she grinned at her speed.

Soon she came to a place with no packs sent on it, she couldn't stop her wings though. She ran right up a tree, then perched herself there. She sat there panting, looking over the land, soon other winged pups. she looked them over, she saw a reddish pup a white fea with darker legs bed down under her. Then another male walked along the trees, but he was farther. Then last another male who was growling at the pup below her. HE looked up staring at her, she tilted her head and he snorted and walked on.

the fea below her finally looked up to she her, Tamari smiled and wagged her tail as the fea stared in aw. Tamari smiled and layed her head on her paws, wondering how to get down.

((Comments? Also, I cant think of another element for the last wolf pup, Tokijen, hes a boy but that's all I got right now, to my lovely readers HELP!!!!))