

In the territory of the Earth pack, the alphess Tosca has just given birth to another large litter of pups. all boys with one girl. One of these pups looked totally different from his parents, or any other wolf in the pack for that matter. He was brown with mixed colors in his fur. He was beautiful. His mother right away named him Tokijen, meaning earth child (It really doesnt, again just for the story). Tokijens eyes where amazing, a maple leaf green.

After a few days the pups wandered outside. The packs terrain was ruff. Lots of rocks turned over from rock slides and earthquakes. To Tokijen and his litter mates, it was just simple fun. They played under, around and behind the large jagged rocks, thinking nothing of the danger. One day Tokijen pushed his brother off of a rock, just playing, his brother landed on a spear like stone and died.

The pack morned the pups death. As the pack howled and buried his brother Tokijen went back to his rock, where he pushed his brother off. As he looked down to the now brown spot where his brothers blood lay spilt, the puppy shed a single tear. none of the pack had talked with him, or even looked at him since it happened. Tokijen was certain they would never forgive him.

So he ran.

He ran past the last of the packs trees, and into the rock slide territory. That night he found he had boxed himself in between a cliff and where he had come from, it had just began to rain too. Tokijen whimpered and found a rock to sleep under.

that night the rain got worse, once lightning bolt woke him up. He looked out of his little den to see a fea staring at him. She almost looked to be crystal. She howled once and Tokijen panicked, he could feel the cliff shake as rocks and boulders hurled down its side.

Tokijen refused to try and run to he cowered under his rock hoping that he wouldn't be killed. His escape route was shut out and the rock slowly began to fall on him. Tokijen cryed and howled, but no answer form the outside world.

He lay there, muzzle in the mud waiting for death when he finally blacked out. He awoke on top of the cliff that had thrown rocks down at him. It was morning now, and everything hurt. He couldn't find anyplace to look at himself, yet, but he now had two brownish feathered wings and a scar on his right eye that resembled a autumn leaf.

he walked for a long time, all day even. He even wandered into the moon packs territory once and was attacked. A notch was bitten from his ear and he ran the other way. He walked until dusk and found a den, but instead of going inside he climbed on top and fell asleep.

Later that night he woke to find a little fea wonder into the den, and then after her a reddish male, both with wings as his. He looked to the sky and howled long and loud, all the pups heard this and wandered toward him. All but Tamari who couldn't get out of the tree.

All the pups howled with Tokijen and bonded them together as a pack.

((now that the reall story is about to start, comments?))