Who Knew


Piper was trying to focus on her history home work when Jacob came flying through her bedroom window. Her head shook and she laughed lightly. He smirked as he came over to her, and kissed her on the forehead.

"You could have used the door downstairs."

"I was going to, but I heard Kathy and Paul down there. I didn't want to interrupt them."

"Makes sense." She said, and then wrapped her arms around him and held him.

Jacob sighed with relief. Since they had told the news to their parents about the pregnancy things had become a lot less stressful. He still had a lot of things on his mind, but at least he didn't have to worry about Billy and Susie driving him crazy.

"We need to make an appointment."

"I know. Mom said I needed to call and make one in the morning. I'm probably just about four weeks." Piper said.

"Just eight more months to go then."

"Can you believe it's been a month?"

"Yes." Jacob replied honestly with a slight laugh, "This has been the longest month of my life, and I'm still alive. I think that's a huge success." He laughed.

Piper smiled and then leaned over and kissed him softly on the mouth. Things had settled down over the past week or so. School had finally got back in full swing, and people didn't even seem to listen to the rumors Ireland had spread over the summer. She now had her new crew of mindless zombies, and Piper settled back with the pack and imprints. Haylie and Leah's relationship spread like wildfire over the reservation, but most people were being open minded and respecting their decision.

"We have a meeting tomorrow in the clearing with the Cullens." Jacob informed her.

"A meeting with them?"

"Yeah, we decided that once a month we would meet in the clearing and discuss things. Scents of vampires, and visions from the future seeing one. We still need to be prepared when the red haired one returns."

Piper's stomach turned. She didn't want any vampires to return. Just the thought of a vampire coming into her life and taking away someone she loved made her feel sick to her stomach.

"I don't want them to come back." She pouted.

"They will, in time." Jacob frowned, "But I'm sure we'll be ready for them." He said.

Jacob actually wished they would come back sooner rather than later. He didn't want to leave Piper near the end of the pregnancy. He wanted to deal with the vampires now, so he could get his life on track. He had enough to worry about already, he didn't need to worry about a army of vampires as well.

Jacob kissed Piper on the forehead, and then told her goodnight. He was suppose to patrol in about two hours, and he needed to go home to make sure Billy was fine with everything. He would see her tomorrow morning.

As he began walking up his drive way he noticed the familiar red truck parked there. His stomach turned as he saw Bella open the door and step out. He walked towards her, and she smiled as she ran over and hugged him. He was surprised she didn't fall on the way over.

"Hey Bells. What are you doing here?"

She huffed, "Can't I just visit a friend, Jake?"

"Sure, but I'm on a time crunch. I'm suppose to patrol in a bit."

"Oh. I guess I have bad timing. I've been so busy with planning the wedding." She said.

He then allowed his eyes to land on her hand. A large diamond was sparkling. This probably would have bugged him before, but he was actually happy for Bella now. She deserved to be happy, even if it was with a blood sucker.

"Congrats. I have some news as well."

"Oh really, what's yours?" Bella asked, expecting him to say something about getting a new part of the rabbit.

"I'm going to be a dad."

Her mouth dropped and she starred at him with wide eyes. Did she hear him correctly.

"You're going to be a what?"

"A dad. Piper's pregnant."

"Jacob! You're so stupid! What did you do!"

"How am I stupid? Shouldn't you at least be happy for me?"

"You're sixteen!"

"Actually. . .I turned seventeen last week." Jacob said.

"Still! You can't be a father, Jacob! You just can't! Why wasn't I invited to the party?"

"There was no party. I just spent the day with Piper and my dad. No big deal."

"Jacob! I can't believe you celebrated your birthday, and also knocked a girl up since my last visit."

"I just didn't knock a girl up, Bella. Don't even say it like that." He said, angry at the way she put it, "Piper and I are going to be parents."

"At the age of sixteen. What did she do, poke a hole in the condom?" Bella snapped.

Jacob growled lowly, and just walked off. He knew Bella was mad about him becoming a father at seventeen. He could see her reasons why. He was young, and this was a life changing situation, but she shouldn't even talk about Piper like that.

He walked inside and spoke to his father a bit before he took off into the woods. To his complete surprise when he walked back out of the house, Bella was gone. He figured she would stand around to try to talk to him, but it seemed like things were changing. She wasn't the old Bella, and he most defiantly wasn't the old Jacob.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jasper's leading right now in votes guys! You have until I post chapter 45. But-- I do plan on doing both a Jasper and Paul story. One(whoever wins) will just come out a couple of weeks before the other.
