Who Knew


Piper walked into the school the next morning with Haylie. Jacob was waiting by her locker for her. She grinned as she neared him. He leaned down and pressed his mouth against hers in a sweet kiss. She moved away and grinned at him, "We have an appointment on Friday morning." She whispered.

He smiled, "I can't wait."

"It's at the hospital in Forks."

"What time?"

"Eight. We'll probably be an hour late for school, but we'll have an excuse."

"Then we might just skip the whole day." Jacob grinned, as he kissed her softly again.

They linked hands and took off walking to their first class. During class Piper payed attention as much as possible, but it was hard with Ireland's constant chatting with her new group in the corner of the room. It wasn't only Piper annoyed because Haylie was sighing in annoyance beside her. However Quil was the one who said something.

"Mrs. Homer, do you possibly think you could tell Ireland and her friends to shut up so I could hear what you're saying?" Quil asked, rather annoyed.

Ireland shot Quil an annoyed look, causing Piper to bust out laughing. She couldn't help it, and tried to compose herself. Jacob looked over at his girlfriend and smiled. He thought she was adorable when she laughed.

Classes passed quickly, and soon Piper found herself sitting at a lunch table surrounded by the pack and imprints. Jacob had his arm wrapped around her as she nibbled away on her pizza. Paul laughed along with Jared about something and then looked over at his sister and Jacob. He wasn't happy that Piper was pregnant, but he decided that making an ass out of himself and killing Jacob wouldn't do anything positive to help the situation. He just needed to be as supportive as he could.

"Leah mentioned a meeting tonight. What is she talking about?" Haylie asked anyone who would answer.

"Meeting with the Cullens." Paul stated, "Everyone has to be there."

"Ugh, I hate that." Haylie said.

Haylie and Leah had become very protective of each other. Haylie hated when Leah had to patrol or anything to do with vampires, much like Piper hated it when her brother or Jacob had to.

Later that night Piper was up in her room doing some homework with Haylie. Haylie was staying the night since Leah and Jacob would both be busy doing pack stuff. After they finished their home work, Haylie asked Piper to tell her about the last time the vampires came into town. She explained what little she knew and Haylie sighed.

"I don't want Leah fighting. I love her, Pip."

"I love Jacob too, and my brother as well. But like Jacob has told me so many times. They were made for this."

"You think baby Black will be a shape shifter?" Haylie asked.

Piper shrugged her shoulder's as she rubbed over her flat stomach. She had no clue if the baby would be a shape shifter. She was hoping not, so she wouldn't have to worry about it, but then again if it was then she would be proud of it for protecting the tribe one day.

"Maybe one day the vampires will just leave and we won't have a reason for the pack."

"I just hope they leave now. Why did the Cullen's even come back?" Haylie spat, "They've only brought trouble with them."

Piper didn't really have anything to say. Part of her was glad the Cullens came, while part of her wasn't. She hated the threat of vampires, but if there were no vampires then Jacob wouldn't be a shape shifter, therefore he wouldn't have imprinted on her. Bella would also still be in the picture since she would have never met Edward. She probably wouldn't have Jacob or the baby right now if it wasn't for the Cullen's, so in a way she was thankful for them.

"What did you mom say about the baby?"

"She was shocked at first, but then she calmed down a bit."

"Aren't you scared?" Haylie asked.


"How are you and Jacob gonna pull it off? With school and everything. . ."

Piper shrugged her shoulder's, "We'll find a way."

The girls went to sleep not too long after the conversation. Haylie slept in Piper's mom's old room. Piper drifted off to sleep easily, however her sleep wasn't dreamless.

She found herself walking through the woods, in a meadow. She looked up into the sky and noticed smoke covered it. She could also smell something burning in the distance. She looked down and noticed her stomach was now pouched out a bit. She didn't know how far along she was, but it was obvious she wasn't just a merely four weeks. She walked forward, and then spun around quickly hearing the rustling of leaves.

She watched as a black haired woman walk out with red eyes. Her skin was pale white, and fangs were visible when she smiled. She reminded Piper of Ireland a tad bit, only a paler version maybe. The woman began charging after Piper, and that's when everything went blurry.

She raised up out of the bed and groaned realizing she had a nightmare. The talk of vampires, and the annoyances of Ireland from school had began to take a toll on her mind. She just shook her head, and closed her eyes again, hoping that if she dreamed, they wouldn't be about vampires looking like Ireland.
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