Who Knew


Piper was straightening her hair when she heard a loud crash coming from downstairs. She rolled her eyes, knowing it was just the boys messing around. She continued to straighten her hair, and then she applied a bit of make-up to her porcelain skin. She was still getting used to the secret that she had found out. She was still getting used to being Jacob Black's imprint. She hadn't talked to him since the night she found out he imprinted on her. To be honest, she didn't know what to say to him. How was she suppose to act around him?

Better yet, how was she suppose to be mean to him now when Ireland and Haylie were around? She knew if she started acting differently towards Jacob that her friends would wonder what's going on. She knew she couldn't tell the secret, and if Ireland suspected anything then she would snoop around until she found out what she was looking for. Piper sighed, wishing life wasn't so complicated.

She walked down the stairs and inside her living room were the wolf pack, minus Sam and Embry. Sam was normally always with them, she wondered where he was.

"Where's Sam?" She asked her brother.

"At the Clearwater's."

She raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"Seth and Leah both are running a temperature." Paul explained.

"Leah? She's going to be one of you guys too?" She questioned.

Jared sighed, "Looks like it. First girl in history."

Piper shook her head, "This is insane."

The door opened up, and in walked a smiling Embry. Piper raised an eyebrow towards him, but he just continued to smile as he sit down.

"How was lunch with Kari?" Jacob asked.

"Amazing. Beautiful. Perfect."

Piper couldn't help but to bust out laughing, "Who is Kari?" She asked.

Embry looked over at her, and the smile didn't fade from his face, "My beautiful imprint, and girlfriend." He said, his voice sounding like a dream.

"You imprinted too?"

He nodded his head. Jared laughed, "I told you. I'm betting that everyone imprints."

"It's suppose to be rare." Paul huffed. He did not want to imprint at all. He wanted to find a girl on his own, not have some legend find her for him.

"Okay, so let me get this straight." Piper said, "Sam imprinted on his girlfriends cousin. Quil imprinted on a two year old. Jacob imprinted on me, Jared imprinted on a girl he never really payed attention to before, and now Embry imprinted on some random girl?"

Quil laughed, "Yeah pretty much covers things."

She shook her head, "Imprinting is so weird!" She said, and then darted into the kitchen.

Jacob watched her the entire time she walked away. He wasn't checking her out, more or less just admiring her.

"Stop checking my sister out!" Paul hissed.

"I'm not checking her out." Jacob spat back.

Since he had imprinted on Piper he and Paul had done nothing but argue. He hadn't even talked to her and Paul had warned him that if he broke her heart then he would be in deep shit.

Piper fixed herself a turkey sandwich and then walked back into the living room and joined the boys. She listened as they walked about a bonfire that was being planned for next weekend. Piper tried to not attend the bonfires. They made her feel uncomfortable. Most of the people who attended were Quileute. Even though she was just as much a part of the reservation as anyone else, because she wasn't originally born to a Quileute family she felt sort of left out.

The guys all seemed to leave the house. Jacob stayed around for a moment, "So are you going to the bonfire?" He asked.

She shook her head, "I don't really think I fit in at the bonfires, so I'm going to skip."

"What do you mean you don't fit in?" Jacob asked, confused.

She sighed, "Look at me Jacob. I'm pale, blue eyed, and I have blond hair. Totally opposite of other La Push girls."

Jacob shook his head, "You know that doesn't matter."

"I don't have Quileute blood flowing through my veins. I was just lucky enough to be adopted."

Jacob sighed, "Piper you were meant to live here, to be here."

She shrugged her shoulders, "I wish I felt that way."

He shook his head again, "You're just stubborn."

She laughed, "I'm not stubborn. I'm stating the truth. I don't even fit in at school."

"You think you don't fit in? Piper you own that school. Every girl wants to be you and every guy wants to be with you." Jacob said.

She shook her head, "Only because they're scared of Ireland." She said, knowing it could be true. Ireland was the school bully in a way. It was Ireland's way, or no way.

"You know. . . I've always thought you fit in. I think you fit in better than I do."

She shook her head and laughed, "You know, you're kind of okay Jacob Black."

He chuckled, "Sure, sure. Just kind of though?" He smiled.

She couldn't help but to smile back. She was feeling the pull towards him.

"I should get going. . . Check on Seth and Leah. . ."

She nodded her head, "Bye Jacob."


"Oh, and Piper, think about going to the bonfire. A lot of the guys are asking their imprints to come along. . . and even Quil is taking little Claire. . .and I just thought. . ."

"You want me there?" She questioned.

He softly nodded his head, and she smiled in return, "I'll be there." She said.

He smiled, and then walked out the door, feeling slightly proud that she was going to be at the bonfire. Jacob had been going through a lot of changes lately, especially with his feelings. He was dealing with all of his Bella feelings disappearing, and all of his Piper feelings hitting him full force.
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