Letters From Jack

Message To Gotham

The next couple of days the Joker focused on the city. He tried forget about Zoey completely, however it was much harder task than he thought it would be. Years ago he had suppressed any memories he had of her, and now that she was back, he couldn't seem to get her off his mind. Today he had plans of kidnapping one of the cops from the police department and torturing him until JIm Gordon got the clue that he couldn't be stopped.

"Dopey! Crusher!" He called to two of his men.

Soon the bearded man, and the man of muscles appeared in front of him. He sometimes questioned why he kept each of them around. Dopey wasn't the smartest individual, although he was quick with knives and guns. He was always the one who asked the wrong question at the wrong time, which bugged the Joker a bit. He only kept him around because he was quite stupid, and sometimes supplied him with a good laugh.

Crusher was completely different than Dopey. He was not as stupid, but he also wasn't a rocket scientist. He was very strong, and looked as if he should be in a ring tossing punches on national television. He wasn't very good with guns or knives, but his strength made up for that. The Joker had watched him get shot two times, and still end up breaking the mans neck with his bare hands.

Then there was Reaper and Midnight. Reaper was trust worthy, quick with guns and knives, and had one hell of a talent when it came down to computers. He had attended college, and was very smart. He came in handy when the Joker needed information. Midnight was a former bartender, who the Joker became curious about when he watched her beat up a guy for trying to steal a beer. She was a spunky girl, who you didn't think about messing with. She was also very loyal, and watched his back better than any of the guys.

"Every things in order, boss!" Dopey said, in his usual monotone voice.

The Joker grinned that God awful smirk that made most of Gotham piss their pants and then looked at Crusher, "You'll need to break down the door, big guy."

He grinned widely, "Not a problem boss."

"Have Reaper ready encase he has a security system in his house, and have Midnight prepared for watch out." He gave the orders, and watched as they disappeared from his presence. He smirked at how quickly he could give them a command and have it followed.

He walked into his bedroom, and gathered all of his favorite knives. They wasn't bringing the victim back here. The Joker wasn't stupid. He never brought them back to his official hideout, that was just too obvious. He left little clues around the city at alternate hideouts to cover his ass. The cops had been lucky enough to figure out a few of the fake ones, but they didn't have a clue where he really stayed.

He walked out into the garage and then hopped in the van with his henchmen. He gave Reaper the directions, and the van started moving towards his desired location.

Zoey was in her living room floor doing sit ups when she saw a news update flash on the television. She raised up into a sitting position, grabbed the bottle of water next to her, took a long sip, and then watched the screen. A balding man in a suit came on the screen. Zoey could tell he was very nervous and scared.

"I am here to deliver a message from the Joker. Our station is in trouble if we do not play this. I apologize for the gruesome footage you're about to view. Please remove any children out of the room." He said, and then cringed away.

Zoey didn't understand why they would even play footage if it was gruesome and not suitable for children. She didn't take her eyes of the screen as a man in uniform showed up. She was positive he was a cop, probably no older than thirty. He had blood dripping down from his forehead. Soon another pair of legs came into the view. Purple pants skipped their way over, and bent down in front of the man. There was words being said, but nothing loud enough for her to hear. She quickly grabbed the remote and turned the television up to full volume.

"Well Gotham!" The man with the painted face said, as he turned around and starred into the camera lens, "It's me again, sending out a message!" He said, a evil cackle following his sentence.

She watched as he walked around the room in a circle, and he stroked his chin in the process. Then he slowly made his way over to the man in the uniform. He bent down, and out of nowhere a knife appeared at the man's throat. Zoey gasped, as she backed up against the couch. The man begged for his life, and the Joker mocked him in return. She couldn't believe they would even allow to play this.

She covered her eyes, as she heard his voice threaten to take this man's life. He also said this was so Jim Gordon would get the message to not fuck with him. She couldn't even look at the screen, but she also couldn't turn it off. She heard the man scream, and then his screams were silenced. She turned her attention back to the screen and the Joker was walking forward. He got so close to the camera, that only his eyes were visible. "Let this be a message Gotham." He stated, and then the video cut to black, and eventually returned back to the news man.

Zoey ran her fingers through her hair and thought about the video. How could one man be so horrible? What had happened to him that caused him to be like this? She shook her head, and then thought about the horrid brown eyes she had saw right before the video went black.

After thinking about it for a moment, her eyes widened and she gasped loudly, as she hurriedly got up from the carpet and ran off into her room. She grabbed the box of memories from her dresser, and then grabbed the first picture of Jack. She looked down and shook her head as the picture fell to the ground.

"No no no no no." She said as she backed into the wall.

It was now clear as to why his brown eyes looked so familiar. The Joker was in fact Jack Napier. It explained everything. Susie's warning to get out of Gotham. The reason he took her locket at the party. She then gasped yet again when she remembered the individual at her door.

He was the Joker. . .

He was Jack Napier. . .

Slowly she moved over to the picture of Jack laying on the floor. She picked it up and gazed down at it. He was wearing a scar free smile on his face. He looked so normal. Had she done this? Had she drove him this crazy? She couldn't even form any words, all she knew was this had to be fixed. Innocent people were dying every day, possibly because of her departure from him.

She knew it was stupid, and knew she could possibly be risking her own life by doing this. . . but she had to talk to him. Susie had said he still loved her. . . said he always would. But was love enough to keep her safe?
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