Letters From Jack


Zoey looked in the mirror and studied her appearance. She was wearing a strapless black dress that hung down to her knees, and a Grey button up sweater over it, which she opened the top three buttons of. Her hair was tied back into a sophisticated bun, and her make-up was done in neutral tones. She didn't over board with the mascara and eyeliner, knowing she would probably shed a few tears. She slipped on her black flats, and then headed out the door.

The Joker had Midnight do his make-up for the day. She had used concealer and face creams to cover up the scars on his face. Unless you were actually looking close at his face then you wouldn't notice them. He also wore blue colored contacts, and washed his hair until most of the green dye faded. It was now a brownish blond color. He wore a suit he had found in his closet, and then placed a beanie over top of his head. He didn't want to be noticed at all.

Zoey took a seat towards the back, and starred up at the casket. She couldn't believe the woman was dead. It felt so surreal to her. She had just visited her days ago, and now she was dead. She crossed her legs and starred at the man who stood over the casket as he spoke a few words.

"Zoey?" A female voice whispered.

She turned around and looked at the woman from yesterday. She was dressed in all black, and looked as if she had been crying for hours. She half smiled, "I found some things in Susie's house, and I figured you might want them since Jack doesn't seem to be around any longer."

"Me?" Zoey questioned, confused as to why they would even think of giving her something.

"Well, they are things of yours. . ." The woman said.

Zoey burrowed her brows, and then stood up and followed the woman over to a small black car. The woman opened the passenger door, and then got out a small cardboard box, "It's mostly letters, a bear, and a few other things are in there as well. I didn't look through most of it. She already had it inside this box." The neighbor informed her.

She nodded her head, and took the box out of her arms and began walking towards her vehicle. She opened the door and placed the box inside. She wanted to return to the funeral services, but she was curious about the box. She looked inside and saw lots of notes scattered inside, a small brown teddy bear, and a deck of playing cards. She burrowed her brows as she picked up the cards, and took them out of the box. She looked at the cards and noticed that each of them were a Joker playing card. Shaking her head, she dropped the cards back in the box and closed the door.

She walked back towards the services, and took her seat.

He watched from a distance. He had saw the woman give her the box, and saw her look through it. That was one box that didn't belong to her. Those were his memories. He slowly walked over to her vehicle and opened the door. He rolled his eyes seeing it unlocked. Did she not know any better in a city like this? He slowly pulled the box out of the vehicle, and then walked away with it. He was glad no one seemed to notice him. He placed it inside his truck, which was parked in the lot with the rest of the vehicles, and then returned to the spot where he had previously been watching things.

He decided that once everyone left would be the time he said goodbye. He didn't want to take any chances of being spotted, nor did he want to run into Zoey. He had decided that it was best if they didn't cross paths.

Zoey looked around, wondering if Jack was indeed in the crowd. She didn't spot him anywhere, and was growing sad at that fact. She had really thought that today would seal the deal with her search. The funeral was far from being over, but she was so drained that she didn't think she could last another moment in that chair. If she didn't get up and move around she would fall over from her lack of sleep. She softly excused herself and began walking away from the crowd.

She walked over to her car and decided to read a few letters to keep her mind busy. She opened the door, and discovered the box was gone. She looked at the rest of her vehicle and noticed nothing else was gone. None of her CD's, her expensive perfume, or even the cash she leaves laying around. She slammed the door, and turned around as she surveyed the crowd. She knew who was responsible for this. There was only one person who would take that from her.

She saw a figure in black leaned up against an old tree. He was surveying the funeral from a distance. She didn't know if it was in fact Jack or not, but she was going to find out.

He surveyed the crowd one last time, and scrunched his face up when he realized she wasn't sitting in the same seat as before. He had received a phone call from Reaper which caused him to lose focus for a few minutes. He looked all around the crowd, and didn't see her anywhere. He turned around to look towards her vehicle, to see if she had went there, and that's when he saw her only a foot away from him. Standing with her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot slightly against the ground.

"You took my box, didn't you Jack?" She asked, her voice slightly filled with attitude.

He couldn't help but to grin. Apparently his disguise didn't do him justice. Her eyes were burning into his, and her facial expression showed no fear what so ever. Did she know who he was? Did she know who he had become?

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about, ma'am." He stated, turning his attention back to the funeral.

She laughed bitterly, "So you're not Jack Napier?" She asked, knowing he was lying.

"Nope." He said popping the P.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Positive. My name is Jim."

She laughed, "Jim huh? Well, Jim. . . What do you think about the Joker?" She asked.

He licked over his lips and looked at her. She knew who he was, and also knew his secret. He was dumb folded on why she wasn't scared of him. Did she not understand that he had killed people?

"What do you want?" He spat, not looking at her.

"I want the box." She said simply.

"It's not your box to have."

"It was in my car! You stole my damned box!" She hissed.

He turned to look at her, "Have a little respect, will ya? This is a funeral after all."

She shot him a glare, and then continued to stand there in silence. This wasn't the meeting she had expected. She had either figured he would welcome her with open arms, or slice her throat. She didn't know what to expect from this man she didn't know.

She reached up, and took the pin out of her hair, which allowed her hair to flow freely down her shoulders. The Joker couldn't help but to look at her. She was the most stunning woman he had ever laid his eyes on. It pained him to know that she once belonged to him. He just wondered how many men she belonged to now.

The funeral services ended, and he began walking towards the casket without saying a word. She followed behind him slowly. He walked up to the coffin, and looked down at the corpse inside. He didn't say a word, nor did he change facial expressions.

"You okay?" Zoey asked.

He turned to look at her, and then just laughed bitterly as he walked off. Zoey looked down at the woman laying in the casket, and then walked off towards him.

"Jack!" She called after him.

He turned around and looked at her with a glare. He grabbed her arm violently, "Keep your fucking voice down." He hissed.

She tore her arm away and looked at him, and then back down at her small arm which now held red marks from his hand, "Sorry. . . I uhm, can we talk?" She ask, stumbling with her words.

He laughed bitterly, "Yeah. We can talk. Get out of Gotham, Zoey. End of conversation." He said, walking away.
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