Letters From Jack

Hiding Something

Zoey sighed as she sat down on the bed. She was now eight weeks pregnant and their stay in Georgia with her parents had turned into a trip much longer than she had first anticipated. She had offered to go home three days ago, but Jack said they needed to stay just a tad bit longer. All of her things had been packed and ready for the move. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked around her bedroom, which was now pretty empty. She realized that by moving to Gotham she was possibly leaving behind the stability it offered. She didn't know when, or better yet if Jack would actually come through and find them a place that wasn't a health hazard. She knew she'd have to watch every step she made in the hideout.

Her head darted towards the door,hearing it open up. She half smiled at Jack as he walked inside, dabbing his wet hair with a towel. Most of the green tint was now completely faded from his hair. She hoped he would allow it to turn back to his natural color instead of allowing the dye to touch it again. He placed a smug smile on his lips as he walked over to the bed and laid down. She turned around and looked towards him with a raised eyebrow. She could tell by the look on his face that he was up to something.


"How much do you love me?"

She arched a brow, and shifted her weight slightly to be more comfortable. She ended up laying down on her side, and looking up at him. She watched as he licked over his lips, and starred down into her eyes. "I love you a lot. You know that though, so why ask?"

He chuckled, "No reason, baby." He said, leaning over and pressing his cool lips against her forehead. He was being extremely nice at the moment. She knew something was up.

"What have you done?" She asked.

"Why assume I've done something?"

"Because you have that look on your face, and you're being way too nice."

He plastered a look of hurt across his face, and pretended that her comment hurt his feelings. Though after having spent some time with him, she knew he was faking. He then smiled, "You ready to head back to Gotham?" He asked.

She nodded her head, "I've been ready. You're the one who said we should stay a few extra days."

"Well, those days are now over. How about we leave tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good to me." She said, and then licked over her lips, "I still know you're up to something, but I figured I'll find out eventually. . ."

He chuckled, and leaned over and pressed his mouth against hers, "You will find out eventually." He said, bringing his hand up and stroking her cheek gently.

"So, you're defiantly hiding something?"

"Defiantly." He smirked.

She groaned, and attempted to move away from him, but he wrapped his arms around her small frame and held her close to him. She struggled for a few more moments, but eventually gave up and lay against him defeated.

"I hope the baby is a girl so we can out number you." She murmured, burying her face in his side.

He looked down at her, and smiled. He was actually hoping for a girl as well. He was hoping for a little girl who was exactly like Zoey in every possible way. He stroked his hand over her forearm, and sighed.

The only reason he wanted to stay here for a few extra days was because he wanted to give Reaper time to find a suitable house for Zoey. He didn't want her staying in some run down shack. He also didn't want her staying near any of his workers. Some were new, and he just didn't trust them at all. He had phoned Reaper a couple of days ago and asked him to go house shopping. He didn't want something huge like a mansion, but something big enough for the three of them. He wasn't exactly sure how long he was keeping up the Joker act. But until he decided to give it up, he would just have to be content with being both Jack, the boyfriend and future father, and The Joker, the heart less criminal.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a loud rumbling of a stomach. He heard a soft giggle, and then looked down and saw her smiling up at him. She patted the small pouch on her stomach, "Baby wants food." She said, getting up, and walking out of the room. He licked over his lips and followed her. He walked into the kitchen and saw her father sitting at the table, reading a newspaper as he sipped on some coffee.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow, Dad." Zoey said, sticking a plate of left overs into the microwave.

"So soon?" Her dad stated, folding the newspaper and placing it down on the table, "I'll miss having you guys around."

Jack half smiled towards her father. He actually liked Kenneth quite a bit. He was a kind and gentle man who worked his ass off to make sure his family had everything they needed. Claire wasn't even as spiteful as she once was. Jack still didn't like her, but he could tolerate her for Zoey and the baby's sake.

"We'll visit, Dad." She said, taking the plate out of the microwave, and picking some of the food up with her hands.

She cursed because of how hot it was and dropped it back into the plate.

"It's hot, Zoe." The Joker said, holding back his laughter.

"I know that! But Baby is hungry!" She said, laughing as she grabbed a fork, and jabbed the chicken. She then blew on it to cool it down to a temperature that was safe for her mouth.

"So, what are you doing about a doctor, Zoe?"

"I figured I could get one in Gotham."

"You need to make an appointment when you get there and actually get settled in."

"I will, don't worry." She said, skipping over and kissing him on the temple.

A couple of hours later they were laying in bed getting ready to turn in for the night. Zoey yawned as she looked up at Jack. He had been trying his best to hide something all evening. He had excused himself on several different occasions saying he needed to make calls. She was aware that he could be dealing with Joker business, but she had a feeling that wasn't the only thing he was dealing with.

"So, when do I find out what you're up to?" She asked.

He laughed, "I'm not telling you anything. We should go to bed. Early trip in the morning."

She sighed, but nodded her head. He wasn't going to bend and she knew it. He kissed her on the forehead, and then turned off the lamp. He wrapped one of his arms around her protectively as she made her body comfortable near his.
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