Letters From Jack


Zoey sat silently at the kitchen table, running her fork back and forth in her plate of pasta. They had been back in Gotham for two weeks now. She was now ten weeks pregnant, and the house had been furnished with everything she could possibly need. Even though she had everything she needed in the house, she often found herself bored. Jack spent a lot of time at the hideouts, and out doing various jobs as the Joker. She would sit and watch the news all night, praying he didn't get caught.

It was no longer just her boyfriend getting caught. It was the father of her baby. She rubbed her hand over the top of her belly and sighed as she leaned back in the chair and starred at the other three vacant chairs around the table. He had promised he would be home at six to have dinner with her. It was now half past, and he hadn't even phoned to let her know he was going to be late. With a soft sigh, she got up from the table and picked up her plate. She walked over, and dumped the left over contents into the trash and then placed it in the sink. She placed the left overs into plastic containers and then put them in the refrigerator.

The Joker paced around in the hideout, checking his watch every so often, knowing Zoey was probably worried to death by now. He decided against calling her. He didn't want anyone to over hear their conversation. The only person who knew about the house was Reaper, and he wanted to keep it that way. He licked over his lips as he waited for the other van of workers to arrive. They had a chasing with the cops earlier and had to split and travel two different ways.

"There's the car, boss." Reaper said, opening the door and walking out into the garage area as the van pulled in.

The Joker hunched over and opened the side door quickly, not even giving the driver time to put the vehicle in park. He starred at each one of the men and then growled, "If you ever keep me waiting again. . . It will be your fucking funeral. Got it?" He bellowed, grabbing the large black bags of money out and pulling them through the hideout.

After he counted out twenty thousand dollars, he told Reaper to handle the rest, and then he walked up to his bedroom. He quickly washed the paint off his face, and changed out of his traditional purple suit. He was now dressed in casual clothing, and a pair of jeans. He placed the twenty thousand in a shoe box, and then walked out of the hideout. Reaper was left in charge of the men while he was gone.

He glanced at the clock in his truck and groaned when he realized it was already after eight. He had promised he would be home at least two hours ago. He shook his head, knowing she would be more than just a little pissed off. She would probably yell at him, and he would end up having to control his tempter so he didn't say or do anything he would regret.

He pulled into the tiny two car garage, and turned his truck off. He licked over his lips, as he grabbed the small shoe box that held the money and opened his door. He entered through the garage door, which was linked to a study. The computer was turned off, and he couldn't hear a sound coming from anywhere. She was home though, he had saw her vehicle. He walked into the kitchen and could smell the scent of food.

He walked into the living room and smiled as he studied the couch. Her small petite body was laid sideways on it. Her eyes closed, and her lips parted, while soft snores escaped her. He turned around and headed up the stairs and into the room they had picked out for the baby. He walked inside and over to the closet. He pulled open the white doors, and then placed the box upon the top shelf along with another shoe box. He now had forty thousand put back for them. He shut the doors, and then walked down stairs.

He watched as she slowly stirred as he walked towards her. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him. He frowned slightly seeing the pain in her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, and then looked over at the clock on the entertainment center.

"You're late." She stated.

He nodded his head, and then walked over to her. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the forehead. He wasn't much for apologies, so he hoped she just counted that for him being sorry. She sighed, and looked up at him. "Dinner is in the fridge."


"Why didn't you call?"

"Because I didn't need to."

"You're over two hours late. I was worried."

He frowned, and then sighed, "No need to be worried. You know I'll never get caught." He said, walking away from her and into the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes, and then ran a hand through her hair. Being with Jack was amazing, but him having this 'alter ego' as she liked to call it was beginning to take it's toll on her. The constant worrying and never knowing if he was going to come home, or be locked up in some padded cell was driving her insane.

She got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen where he was standing by the microwave waiting for his dinner to heat up.

"Do anything. . . fun today?" She asked.

He looked at her and grinned, "I robbed a bank." He said, as if it was the most casual thing ever.

"You robbed a bank?"

"Yup." He said, grabbing the hot plate, placing it down on the counter, and taking a bite.

"What do you do with the money?" She asked.

"Invest it in things." He said.

"Like what?"

"Knives. . . Explosives. . ."

She arched an eyebrow, and decided that she was better off not asking. Did he even save money? At least she now knew how he afforded to buy this house, and all the new furniture she had picked out.

She also knew this wasn't a job he could do forever. He promised her he would give it up. He also promised her that he would take care of her and the baby. Would he get a real job after all of this was over?

"You okay?" Jack asked, noticing she was deep in thought.

She looked at him and nodded her head. She really needed to stop worrying. This couldn't be healthy for her or the baby.
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