Letters From Jack

Pointing Out The Facts

Zoey giggled as Jack tapped his foot behind her. She was applying make-up to her face so they could go out for the day. She looked at him through the mirror and smirked. He smiled and then sat down on the bed and waited for her to finish. She swiped the eyeshadow across her eyes and then looked in the mirror one last time. She smiled at herself, pleased with her appearance. She slowly turned around.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"About time, you took forever."

"I'm a woman, Jack!"

"Not all women take forever."

She rolled her eyes, and then walked over to him and hugged him tightly, "But I'm not just any woman." She protested, leaning up and kissing him softly on the cheek, "I'm the mother of your child, remember?" She stated, taking his hand and pressing it on the noticeable bump under her shirt.

He smiled and then leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. "Are you ready?"

"Mhm." She said, grabbing her purse from the vanity chair.

He glanced in the mirror and made sure the concealer on his scars wasn't messed up any, and then took her by the hand and they walked out of the house together. Zoey was giddy about spending a day on the town with Jack. She hadn't really ever been out with him. Could this be considered a date?

"We need to get some things for the nursery." He stated.

"I'm just fourteen weeks, Jack." She laughed.

He smiled, "Time is going to fly before you know it, Zoe. It's better to start early rather than rush later." He pointed out.

She smiled, "So, we're going to go shopping for nursery stuff today?"

"Only if you want."

"Of course."

"We'll go out for some breakfast first. I'm starving."

She smiled and nodded her head. She fumbled with the knobs on his radio station. She found something slow and peaceful and turned it up as she starred out the window at the passing by scenery of Gotham.

He found a little diner in Gotham to eat at. She had ate there before, on several different occasions when she had lived in Gotham. She stepped out of his large vehicle, and then walked over and met him in front of the truck. They held hands as they walked into the diner. The waitress escorted them over to a booth and they took their seats. Zoey looked through the menu trying to find something that would work for her and the baby.

She ordered herself a hot dog, and a large order of cheese nuggets with a side of ranch. Jack ordered a hamburger and some fries. She was looking at the dessert section of the menu when she noticed Jack groan.

"What?" She asked, looking up at him.

He motioned with his eyes and she looked over and noticed Bruce Wayne sitting on a stool by the front counter. He was looking at her. Actually, he was starring at her. He waved at her, and she smiled slightly, not wanting to be rude.

"How do you know Bruce Wayne?" Jack asked.

"I met him during my first couple of days in Gotham. I think he pretty much stalks me. We're always at the same places."

She looked over and noticed he was no longer sitting, but walking towards her instead. She knew this wasn't a good thing. Jack and Bruce wouldn't get along at all.

"Hello Zoey."

"Hi Bruce."

"How have you been?"

"I've been good."

"I haven't saw you in months! I was hoping you would eventually take me up on my offer," He said, and then turned his attention towards Jack, "But it looks like you've found someone."

"I have. Bruce meet my boyfriend, Jack."

"Hello Jack, you're a lucky man."

"I am." Jack spat, "I have a beautiful girlfriend and soon a beautiful child." He said, making it known that Zoey was pregnant with his baby.

Bruce seemed a little shocked, but then nodded his head. He told Zoey it was a pleasant surprise seeing her again, and he hoped they could keep in touch. He then excused himself and walked away. Zoey looked over at Jack and he had a smirk upon his lips. She giggled.

"Way to point out I'm pregnant."

"I wasn't about to let him hit on you."

"You think pointing out the fact that I'm pregnant stopped him?"

"I think the fact that you introduced me as the boyfriend stopped him. However, I think announcing that you were having my baby just sealed the deal."

She rolled her eyes, and then laughed. She thought it was cute, and secretly hoped that Bruce Wayne would stay away. Soon their food arrived and they ate while chatting about what colors and such they were doing the room in.

Hours later they were walking down the aisles of the baby store in Gotham City Mall. She giggled as he picked up a few stuffed animals. "I think we should really wait until we find out the sex."

"You think so?" He asked.

"Yeah, that way we'll know how to decorate it."

"Okay. So, as soon as we find out. We're coming out and going shopping. Deal?"

She smiled, and then tip toed up and kissed him softly on the lips, "Deal."
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