Until next time.

Untill next time.

She’s taking a drag of her cigarette, sinking the Nicorette into her lungs. Looking through her blue eyes to the hell that is her life, with a corona stubbed in her hand as she sees everyday people threatened with guns. Just one of the joyous times you have when you live on the streets.

Waiting for friends to meet. Waiting for something that is unknown. Living with out warning.

Her red hair blazes in the warm afternoon sun. Eyes coated with black as dark as the night sky and striking features that she could pick anyone up with. She stands under the bridge waiting as people give her looks of disgust as they walk past. She is just another misguided and misjudged soul of the lost and found.

With her bright red t-shirt, her highlighter blue mini-skirt and her tight black fishnets with a pair of chucks that don’t make much sense, but in this life, it doesn’t have to, she is the minority.

As she is standing, waiting, wishing to be another place. Thinking of her previous life where she had everything, a name, a life, and took a pride in her self. Now she is nothing, name less, and worthless. With scars, ink and piercings covering her well figured body.

She waits another little while, waiting, just waiting as she stubs out her cigarette, taking another sip of her corona. She has seen his story in the bathroom stall, no more privacies he has anymore, his life as public in the Underground as it was in Suburbia.

She waits now in anticipation for him, wondering whether she is good enough for him. Her blue eyes looking anxious now as she stays around a bit more. Then almost on dusk the leader walks out from the sunlight making it look like he was glowing. His mess of red/brown hair flopping around as he walked and she took in his baggy clothes, his thick black outlined hazel eyes.

His eyes land on her as she feels herself slowly turn scarlet; he keeps the gaze strong, as if to sum her up, to find her weak points, till suddenly, out of the blue he pushes her firmly against the wall till his lips crash against hers, surprisingly but still soft all the same. She is caught by surprise and she can’t pull back, his grip is too tight. She feels a shiver of ecstasy go up her spine as she feels his tongue against her lips, just for a second. He pulls away, just as fast as he started, his blue eyes shimmer in the light as they carry a cheeky look in the fading sunlight. He turns around and starts walking coolly away, before she can do anything, only turning back to smile at her confused face and his eyes said to her ‘Until next time.’