Status: In Progress As Life Goes On.

Cause Its A BreakDown.

Woah (Me Vs. Everyone)

To me the feel of the blade against my skin feels good. Welcoming. I know thats not normal. But i still seem to do it. The feel of the blade dragging against my skin, slowly slicing it open, feels good. Real Good. Watching the Blood seep out from under my skin. Opening itself to the world. To Watch That... Gives me a pang of adrenaline. It Cause a big Adrenaline rush to course throughout my whole body. It makes my heart pound & my head becomes swormed with a million different thought. None of them even close to Normal.
The reasons i do this.... theres many different reasons. None of them normal. None of them right or Logical. Maybe because im not right or Logical. because im screwed up. Im a screw up. That just the way it is. Just the way i turned out.
For some reason the cuts give me comfort. Then make me feel... Ohkay. They Make things better. They make it all go away. And even though its only for alittle while.. its still ohkay. And it still works for me. The Blood.. Gives me a sense Of happiness. Releases Stress. Many say its because it releases Endorphins, maybe thats so. But Whatever. I dont need a Medical Excuse to make me realize why i do what i do. Or why i feel what i feel when i do what i do.

I Get That Im Hard To Comprehend But I Think I Can Live With That.

Signed Sincerely,
♠ ♠ ♠
These May get shorter for awhile. But Hang in there. give me time. Its hard to pour my heart and soul out into every writing. specially when my feelings are personal. But im doing it. and im trying my hardest. i hope your happy(: