Status: In Progress As Life Goes On.

Cause Its A BreakDown.

Miserable At Best

The fact that i cant forget him drives me insane. I just wanna forget. Thats all. It that to much to ask? Sure seems like it it sense i cant seem to forget. I want to stop constantly running memories of him through my head. That fact that ive known him for like ever Just makes that so much harder. I dont want him to disappear from my memory.... For Forever... Just For alittle while. Long enough for me to become sane again. not seeing him at all helps though. I knew this would happen. I knew he was using me for Sex. i knew that the moment i said no It'd be over. But i wasnt willing to give that to him yet. I wanted to wait but he just couldnt deal with it. im sorry i just wasnt gonna do something im not wanting to do at this point in time in my life. Just because he wants to doesnt mean i do too.
But then when it came to the point where he was saying its over, then i was willing to do anything to keep him mine. Anything. But i still lost him anyways. And that Drives Me insane.

Tell me Its over. I work better dead.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were being pressured to do something you just werent ready to do? Ever been SO tempted to say yes that It just BURNED you to say No? I know i have.

What sets you off? Everything sets me off. Forgetting something, loosing something, somebody saying something. Lots of things. What do you do? What do you say? How do you handle it? Do you shake, Scream, Walk Away?
What Do You Do? I want to know.
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Comments are appreciated. if you ever have a specific subject or emotion you want me to write about just ask.