Thumbs Up

Double Date.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out—MA. I pushed it back in my pocket and took a bite of my pasta. The man across from me smiled, showing me all of his teeth—a grin I adored.

“He says, ‘Thanks Mr. Toro.’ Then proceeded to take mine, without commenting. He did later though, out of Ray’s hearing, which we never understood why Jones did that. He knew Ray and me were like best friends. Needless to say, Ray’s final grade was accompanied by a note from Jones. ‘Mr. Toro, I appreciate your endeavors throughout this past semester, however, for both our sakes, take this C as passing and vow to never do art within the walls of my classroom again. I suggest sticking to your guitar.’”

My phone vibrated again and I pulled it out—MA—what was her problem? She knew I was going out tonight, not necessarily with who, but she knew I was on a date. She’d send me a text if it were an emergency. I felt fingertips dance between my own. I met the hazel gaze across from me and smiled. He put his hand over my own and maneuvered them so he was holding my hand, rubbing the back of mine with his thumb.

“I feel horrible, here I am doing all the talking. I’ve missed you, you know. Ray mocks me relentlessly when we talk on the phone.”

I felt my cheeks redden. His little brother and his boyfriend would tease me too.

“Mikey and Bob do the same. They make it hard to talk to you if we’re at my house. And I don’t mind you talking, I love your stories. Plus my life’s rather dull.”

He laughed and my phone vibrated again, I ignored it.

“I’m sure you get up to something while I’m away at school. Has your boss forgiven you for the mishap last week?”

I grinned sheepishly and shook my head—my phone vibrated again.

“He’s put me on register under the strictest of orders to remain seated on the stool and only touch the merchandise our customers wish to purchase. The stool spins, I remain entertained, nothing gets broken and I’ve yet to come up with a short drawer—something he’s had issues with before. Other then work, Pansy occupies most of my time. She misses you.”

He squeezed my hand. I felt my phone going off yet again and as soon as it stopped it started again. I growled inside.

“Excuse me, it’s my ma, I’ll be right back, I’m sorry.”

He nodded—she’s not exactly homophobic, but she’s not actually knowledgeable in whom I invest my time in. I quickly walked to the entrance of the restaurant and took out my phone. I called her.

“I’m on a date ma.”

I know.

“Is something wrong then? You normally don’t call me in the middle of dates and you’d have texted me if it were an emergency.”

I know I don’t usually call you in the middle of you dates pumpkin, but I just wanted to ask you a question.

I growled—couldn’t she have waited till later?”


I heard her let out a breath and my dad’s chuckle in the background.

Who’s the young man you’re on a date with? He’s quite handsome, even if his hair is a bit on the long side.

I gasped and I heard her laughing.

Come back inside and glance to the back, left-hand corner, you’ll find me and daddy, I’ll wave.

I simply hung up on her. I could feel my entire face enflame in embarrassment. I shoved my phone in my pocket and went back inside. I didn’t glance over in the direction she told me to.

“Frankie, what’s the matter, is everything okay? Did something happen to your mom?”

I smiled up at him, and nodded.

“Everything’s fine Gee. Sorry, ma doesn’t know the concept that when she’s got a question, she needs to wait till I’m not busy. She thinks she can just ask me wherever, whenever.”

What else could I say to him? Sorry Gee, ma just called to tell me she caught me out on a date with you as she and my dad are on the other side of this restaurant. I felt him slide around our booth and pull me to his side. I let him put an arm around my shoulders as his other took one of my hands in his. Only then, did I let my flushed face glance in the direction my mother told me to look. I saw her and my dad offer small waves, both smiling in my direction. Then my mother gave me that obnoxious thumbs up and I couldn’t help but to burst out laughing.