Status: On hold due to writer's block.

Shadow of Beginning



Calin Shahita stared blankly at the dull bark of the ninety-fifth tree she had seen in the last five minutes. “Stupid trees. Yeah, that’s what you are, stupid. Maybe when I get to Haven I won’t have to see anymore trees. I’ve seen enough in the last hour to last my whole life.”

:You know Ali, some might consider it a sign of insanity when you start talking to inanimate objects…: Ali would have recognized that voice anywhere. It was her horse, and her best friend, Vic.

:Your point? There isn’t anyone out here to hear me besides you and Tuck. That stupid healer is too far up ahead to hear anything. I could curse his guts right now and he wouldn’t know it.: A small mental chuckle was his only response.

Ali had possessed the power of Animal Mindspeech since she was a small child. She and Vic had grown up together. Her raven, Tuck, had been a birthday present to her brother from their father that he had promptly refused. They had been the only friends she had really had back home. Her father didn’t much care for her at all. He had a son; that was all that really mattered to him. She had once overheard him saying that she was just an unfortunate accident.

Her loony mother never paid her any attention. Ali could have cut her own throat right in front of her and she wouldn’t realize it. Her older brother was a pain, always bullying her and getting away with it simply because he was their father’s favorite. None of the other children ever played with her. She was an outcast from the start because of her odd habit of talking to animals. That had won her some respect from the stable hands, but that was about it.

Now, because he could not think of a single other thing to do with her, dear old father was sending Ali off to a foreign country to live with strangers that would supposedly teach her how to control her powers and expand them.

Ali rolled her eyes at the memory of that conversation and quickly tried to set her thoughts on a different path before she depressed herself again. She knew the only reason her father had even considered the idea of sending her off the Valdemar was because her habit of talking to and making friends with animals chased off any and all suitors. It was only thanks to her uncle that they had been able to contact the Heralds at Haven too. Without is previous connections she would have had to spend the rest of her life in a too big mansion in the middle of nowhere with people who all but hated her guts.

When it was finally decided that she would go to Haven, she had fought long and hard to keep possession of Vic. He had helped out in that conflict by kicking and biting anyone that came near him besides herself. She smirked at the memory of her father’s face as they had departed from that mansion, hopefully for the last time. He had lost his best horse to a fifteen-year old girl who talked to animals and was being sent to a land of ‘magic workers’ to be trained. Oh how his peers would wonder.

For now though, to get her mind off of the past, she took it upon herself to look around at every bush, every tree, and every rock. There were supposed to be heralds waiting for her and the healer, Vince, once they crossed into Valdemar territory. Since she didn’t know where exactly that was, she didn’t know when to expect company. Vince didn’t either of course. Neither of them had ever ventured any farther than the town limits at their old homes. The healer was relying on an outdated map and the advice of a couple of seedy looking merchants from the last village.

She went about this round of occupation for about an hour before she gradually turned more and more of her attention back to Vic as they inched down a rocky hill. He didn’t need guidance, but she needed to focus on keeping an eye on the ground and getting ready for his next motion, or to warn him if she saw something that he might have missed. This went by without a hitch, they were so used to working with each other it was almost laughable.

For awhile they again sank into silence; but Vic wasn’t really a silent kind of guy… well, horse. :So, what do you think Valdemar is going to be like:

Ali gave a response that was the equivalent of shrugging her shoulders in Mindspeech before adding, :How am I supposed to know:

:Just trying to make conversation. Trying to keep you sane. Don’t want you talking to those stupid trees again now do we: His mind voice was sweet and teasing, and Ali couldn’t help but smile.

They carried on about random subjects that popped into their heads for what seemed like hours before Tuck piped in suddenly with some interesting news.

:Me see white horses with white peoples: By now, Ali was used to the odd way that Tuck talked, but it still took a moment for his words to sink in. White horses with white people on their backs? She scanned her memory of what her uncle had told her about Heralds and Companions.

“Heralds are Chosen by Companions. Companions look like white horses, but they are much more intelligent. They can run faster than anything you’ve ever seen. They’re almost like humans inside of a horse body. And remember: you can always recognize a herald because they almost always wear white clothing.”

Great. If the Heralds and their Companions were here then that meant that her journey was half-way over. She leaned over Vic’s neck as they passed beneath a tree and came to a neatly kept path that lead south-west into yet more trees. Past that Ali’s human eyes could not pick out anything unusual. But some other senses that she had developed kicked in. She wondered if it was a side effect of her Animal Mindspeech.

Whether it was or not wasn’t important at the moment. All she knew was that she could sense others out there, not too far down the path that Vince had already started down. This is going to get interesting.

:Why do you say that: Again, Vic popped in on her thoughts. She didn’t mind. Like Tuck’s odd speech, she was used to not having too many thoughts to herself.

:Just…oh, I don’t know. Hey, you know what the bright side of this is:

:No, as a matter of fact I don’t. Would you be so kind as to tell me: There was a smile to his thoughts. It seemed to influence Ali’s own mood, because she soon found herself smiling as well.

:I won’t have to say too much because Vince is going to do talking enough for five of us, let alone just the two of us.: Vic’s response was the Mindspeech equivalent of a smile and a chuckle. Ali smiled again too and leaned her head against his neck as they began walking again. Her shortly cropped white hair fell in front of her eyes, making a type of veil to hide her striking, and sometimes intimidating golden eyes.

As they slowly caught up to Vince, Tuck again piped in with news about the Heralds. :White horses and peoples come toward you nows.: This caught Ali’s attention back up from a half dozing state. She sat up straight once again and let her hair fall back into its normal fix.

Just as she got her eyes adjusted to the change in light she made out two white figures moving toward them. Just as Tuck said, there were two Companions and their Heralds astride them. The Companions moved with such grace that Ali immediately felt inferior sitting atop such a bouncy thing as Vic, even though he was the smoothest horse her father had owned.

It took a moment for the third shape to actually register. Then, even when Ali realized that it was there, just what it was wouldn’t click. :Hey, Vic:


:I thought Companions were white. Why is that one standing behind the other two black:

It took a moment for Vic to answer. Perhaps so that he could take a good look at what Ali was talking about. :Hmm… are you sure it’s a Companion:

:Definitely. I can sense it.:

:Well, I don’t know what to tell you. I only know as much about this subject as you do remember:

:Yeah, I guess. Sorry.: That was right. Vic was a lot smarter than other horses. Mainly because he had grown up talking to Ali and having her tell him everything she had learned that day.

:It’s all right.: Again, his thoughts had a sweet smile to them. And again, Ali couldn’t help but give a small smile as well.

She and Vic came to a stop next to Vince and his burly looking mount and waited for the two Heralds and the three Companions to cover the little distance left. The sheer beauty of the Companions almost made Ali breathless. However, beautiful wasn’t quite the word for the black Companion that walked just a little bit behind the other two.

He was striking to say the least, with a pitch black coat with dazzling sapphire eyes that seemed to look right through you. The eyes were not that of a horse though. They were too thoughtful, too knowing. They were warm and had a humorous light to them. Yes, her uncle had been right, Companions were just like humans in horse clothing.

As the three Companions came to a stop a few feet in front of them, Vince gave a small bow over his saddle horn, Ali copying him out of habit. The lessons of manners had been beaten into her since she was a child. They weren’t likely to go away anytime soon.

“I take it you are Healer Vince and young Calin, correct?” As Ali lifted her head she saw that it was the woman Herald who had spoken. Her Companion didn’t have the warm, light humor that the black one had. The mare’s eyes seemed hard, like true sapphires. Hard and cold.

“Yes, we are. May I ask your names my lords?” Vince as well had been trained in the art of manners. And it was clear in the way his voice seemed to shake about the middle of his sentence that he was nervous and trying to make a good impression on the two.

“I am Herald Leah and this is Herald Miren. Our Companions are Morina and Kaile. And there’s no need to be so formal. You can just call us by our names. Being called lords makes us sound so stiff and boring.” She made a face as she said the last sentence and Ali could immediately tell that she was going to like Herald Leah.

“Of course,” said Vince, bowing his head slightly once again. “So, will you be our escorts to Haven?”

“Yes we will. If you don’t mind, would you please ride up front with Miren? I’d like to have a chance to talk to Calin.” Leah’s eyes locked onto Ali’s and she felt her heart begin working double time thanks to an easy nervousness she had developed around her father.

“Of course.” Vince seemed a little confused about Leah’s choice of riding partner, but said nothing as he urged his mount up again to take the lead with Herald Miren. Once they were both out of earshot, Leah gave Ali a broad smile and gestured that they should start following.

Morina simply started walking, and Vic followed her example. The still unknown black Companion followed behind Morina off to the side a bit. Before Ali could think of what to say, Vic chimed in with a quick last comment before Ali had to fend for herself. :Don’t worry. She’s just a person. All she wants to do is talk. You do remember how to talk don’t you? Just relax and take it easy.: She gave him a mental scowl but had no time for a longer response because Leah chose that time to make her move on starting a conversation.

“So, your name is Calin right?” She watched Ali from the corner of her eye, still with a broad smile on her face.

“Uh, only my family calls me that. Personally I hate the name and would prefer you call me Ali if you don’t mind.” She kept her eyes on Vic’s ears. More to avoid eye contact with Leah than really trying to pay attention to riding. Vic was smart enough to figure out where to step and where not to step.

“Alright then, Ali it is.” There was a smile to her voice. That encouraged Ali to glance at her from under the veil of her hair. She still had a friendly smile and was now giving

Ali her full attention. “So, let me guess. You have Animal Mindspeech right?”

This caught Ali a little off guard and she perked her head up more that she really intended. “Uh… yeah… how’d you know that?”

:Relax. Your stuttering.: She pushed Vic out of her mind, trying to focus.

“Oh, just the way you keep going quiet. How your horse acts, little things like that.” Leah’s smile got wider if that was possible.

“Oh, well, his name is Vic. I wouldn’t keep going quiet if he would stop interrupting.” She punctuated the point of the sentence by jabbing Vic with her finger in a ticklish spot at the base of his neck. She was answered with an audible snort which translated into a mental chuckle.

Herald Leah laughed as well and that seemed to ease whatever tension had been looming over Ali. She looked back at Leah with a smile of her own this time. “You know, I think you and I are going to get along just fine Ali.”

Ali didn’t really know what to say to this, so she simply smiled and turned her attention to tracking down Tuck. It wasn’t hard considering he was right above them. :Me tired. Me come land on shoulder or saddle now please:

:Sure, come on in.: A moment later Tuck was settled comfortably on Ali’s shoulder, falling asleep almost immediately.

“Another friend of yours I take it?” Ali turned as much as she could without dislodging Tuck to see Leah watching her.

She smiled at the Herald and answered, “Yeah, he’s my pet raven. Not the smartest bird in the world but he’s great company.”

Leah laughed at the comment and seemed to go thoughtful for a moment, staring at the ground between them. Ali took the moment of freedom to glance ahead. It seemed that this path kept straight on for a good while. Vince and the other Herald, Miren, were far ahead of them now. She felt a wave of sympathy for the man; Vince was no doubt talking his ears off.

The sound of a rock being kicked drew her attention back to the black Companion, whom she had forgotten was even there. He moved so quietly; like a ghost or a shadow. His eyes were on hers almost immediately. She stared back for a moment before feeling another set of eyes staring at her from a different angle.

She turned back to see Leah watching her intently. She glanced back at the black Companion before quickly returning her gaze to Ali. Feeling like a child caught doing something wrong, Ali quickly turned her own gaze away from Leah’s. They rode in silence for a long time. It was late afternoon before Ali realized just how far they had traveled.

She glanced around and could see no more forests. Just open fields. A few houses dotted here and there. She took a quick stat of Vic, who claimed he was fine. Vince’s burly mount, Tipper, also seemed be feeling at ease. Neither showed signs of being tired. As she checked on Tuck he simply said that he was hungry and that he was going to go get food. After Ali stressed to him not to steal anything he launched off of her shoulder and disappeared.

She saw Leah watching his progress out of the corner of her eye, but made no comment. Leah didn’t push for a conversation, so it stayed quiet for awhile longer.

:Would one of you please say something? I’m going nuts here.: Ali simply rolled her eyes at Vic’s thoughts. But then as her mind began to drift again, she found herself thinking of the black Companion. She realized she was more curious than she was supposed to be and she was about to sound extremely nosy, but she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Hey Herald Leah, can I ask you something?”

“Please, Ali, just call me Leah. And of course you can ask me something. Anything you want to know.” Her voice and her smile were sincere, so Ali went on with her question, with one last quick glance at the black Companion, who was still watching her intensely.

“Who is that black Companion? I mean, why is he here? I thought Companions stayed with their Chosen.”

:We do silly.: That voice was very unfamiliar. Yet at the same time it was warm, comforting, even loving.

:What: That seemed the only coherent thought she could manage at the moment.

A light chuckle. :I am with my Chosen you silly girl.:

It was the black Companion then. That explained a little; not much, but a little. :All right, but I’m still confused. Who’s your Chosen:

Another warm chuckle. :Well, since you’re still confused, I’m going to try and be perfectly clear, all right? My name is Shadow. And you are my Chosen Ali.:
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This is my favorite of the....3 chapters....that I've written for this story. I worked hard on it and oddly enough it seemed to turn out ok!
Again, comments are appreciated! If you're going to criticize it though, please make it constructive criticism.