Status: Spleeee. Coming along slowly. Just working on getting ideas for the next chapter. 2-25-10

My Hearts Love

Care for me When I Cry

Nicole's P.O.V.

I was standing in the hallway at school my pass laying on the ground beside me as I looked out the window past the cars in the school's parking lot into the park across the street. I hardly noticed the little kids playing with their parents. I was hardly there at all. I mean yeah my body was there my hand was leaving a print on the window because I was hot and it was cold outside there for cold ass window, but mentally I was in another world, wishing, dreaming that Adien was mine. I was sick of her girlfriend Sam getting in the way. I could hardly talk to Adien with her around. I was resting my warm head on the cool glass letting my mind wonder on what I wished to be.

I was completely in my own world when I felt soft hands slip over mine and the familiar press of Adien's friendly body against mine. She pulled back to let me turn around then wrapped me up in a hug.

"I knew you'd be here Nicole. You were spacing during lunch and you looked like tears were going to fall any minute. Whats wrong?"

I turned my head back to the window and felt her standing beside me, I felt her hand rubbing my back but I just kept my face away from her.

"Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind, it's nothing for you to worry over. You know leaving Wellness for long is bad and you'll get in trouble. Just go back okay. I'll be okay."

Her hand recoiled from my back and I instantly felt horrible for rejecting her like that. All she wanted to do was help me. I turned my head just enough so I could see her out of the corner of my eye. She had turned almost completely away from me but I could still see her face. I saw a single tear fall, but when I went to wipe it away she whacked my hand and away.

"I'll see you after school Nicole. I want you to walk me home after Sam goes home."

With that she left with a quick walk towards her class room. I picked my pass up off the ground with a sigh. The way she moved was so graceful. Nothing like me, the girl that trips over herself, wears ripped clothing and goofs around all the time. No Adien was careful with her movements and quite unless it was just her and her friends. I put my head phones back in and trudged back to my class room not making a peep when I fell back into my seat. The best one all the back by the window. I could stare out it all class long and draw little doodles I'd hide in my drawer by my bed where Adien would never see it.

I sat back my music playing and finished up my little math test tapping my pencil to the beat blaring in my ears when I didn't know an answer. Once I finished I handed my test back to Mrs. Pixlen and headed back to my seat to doodle a picture of Adien with angle wings and a halo. My beautiful angel. I wrote small things around it that I was thinking about. "Beautiful angel" "Tender lover" "Protector of good" "Protector of life". I smiled at my finished drawing it wasn't bad. I thought it was one of my best. I closed my notebook while peering at the time I shoved it away into my backpack and got ready to head back to my spot and wait for fucking Sam to leave and Adien to come get me.

I must have been waiting a while because when Adien finally came she was waking me up from having fallen asleep in the corner under the window. I smiled and let her pull me up out of my little niche. I let her take me into a hug. I was about to kiss her forgetting she wasn't mine when out of no where Sam launched onto her back taking the breath out of her and making her arms release trying to get her off from choking her. I had been leaning on her and with the force fell backwards and fell against the wall hitting my head. With a soft whimper I shook my head a headache already forming and grabbed my backpack heading for the door ripping out of Adien's please-don't-go-grip. I slung my back pack on and left not bothering to turn back.

I ran to Adien's house and through my backpack into the back yard and made my way up the tree in the front. I climbed way up to the top where there was a branch I could lay out on and wait for Adien to come home. It was also just out of her sight. I heard footsteps coming up the sidewalk and the sound of Adien's soft cries. I had hurt her with my abrupt leaving. I got down out of the tree as fast as I could, spooking Adien when I jumped about 20 from the tree falling as soon as I landed. I jumped to my feet and took her in my arms pushing her backpack to the ground and pulling us towards the tree. I held her tight as I leaned on the tree.


Adien's P.O.V.

Nicole didn't ever understand how much I knew about her. Once at her house I had been looking into the drawer by her bed, while she went to the bathroom, and I stummbled upon a bunch of drawings of me saying the cutest things about me. I already knew she liked me. Just by the gentle touch she used with me and the look she always had in her eye. How I could walk across a room watching her eyes be so not even here and dull then light up with a beautiful sparkle when she noticed I was coming for her. She was amazing, but I was afraid to leave Sam. I loved her, and knew her longer then I knew my Nicole, and to be honest, I was afraid something would happen to Nicole if Sam found out my feelings for her. Losing Nicole would devastate me.

I woke up with my head resting next to Nicole's who was still out cold during a nap. She had thrown my backpack into the back yard and carried me into the house. She sat rocking me on my bed until I fell asleep I guess she fell asleep too considering she was asleep now. She was such a cute sleeper with her mouth ever so slightly open and her hair falling all about her face. I refused to move afraid to wake her and scared to feel her protective arm leave my side. She must have taken advantage of me being asleep her hand was slightly under the back of my shirt balled up against the small of my back and I was quite closer to her then she normally allowed for me to be when I was awake. I shut my eyes and pulled my arms against my chest and nuzzling my body tightly to Nicole's. I felt her arm tighten slowly to keep me close as I nuzzled tightly to her. She was warm as always and her black hat was half off her head. I guess she forgot to take it off.

When I awoke again I rolled over slowly and saw Nicole sitting in the window seat fast asleep her slightly flushed face resting against the cool window in just her bikini top and short shorts. I'm most likely guessing she was hopping to wake before I did. I walked over to her and felt her forehead startling her some as she tried to scramble for her clothing. I only straddled her and continued with my medical procedures consisting of feeling her burning forehead and hot flushed cheeks, my hand slid around her neck feeling just how hot it was. She protested when I put her in my bed still not letting her dress. I rolled my eyes at her and told her if she dressed I wouldn't come back in the room. I was taking it to my advantage of the fact that I got to see her cute little tummy without having to remove her shirt myself. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a cool damp cloth and a thermometer, I ran back to the room and saw Nicole laying on the bed her eyes shut but her breathing was steady. I sat beside her leaving everything on the bed side table to use later and curled up beside her feeling her arms slowly link around me.
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Hey I should be posting on my other story I take my girl to the clubs soon. It's going to be wicked good and another lesbian story. I'm a lesbian and it's normally what I write about.

I don't mean to be whiny but I've been really tired and overwhelmed by school work so adding chapters may be a bit slow.

Comments and subscribers are so loved <3