Status: Spleeee. Coming along slowly. Just working on getting ideas for the next chapter. 2-25-10

My Hearts Love

We Belong Together.

Adien's P.O.V.

I woke up around 1 in the morning, Nicole was sprawled out on the floor in her b ball shorts and a tank, doing her homework. We Belong by Pat Benatar was playing softly. She loved that song. She was doing her homework by candle light, probably to let me sleep easier. I looked at what I myself was wearing and noticed I was in a pair of her black b ball shorts and one of her white tanks. I was surprisingly comfortable. The song started over and I knew she had been playing it over and over since we got home. I smiled and started to sing along. Her head jerked up and she looked right at me with those dreamy eyes I'd die for, with a smile on her face. She stood up and sat by me on the bed stroking my hair. She kissed my forehead lightly.

Nicole's parents weren't due home until Tuesday, and with the way the butterflies felt in my tummy right now I had a feeling I'd be up for a while, and it was a good thing today was Sunday, because school wouldn't be good for today.

I kissed the palm of her hand as she stroked my face and she smiled down at me. I felt like I was going to melt. My heart was racing, out of no where to mind. As I sat up I kissed my way up her arm. We belong together kept playing over and over. The music and the candle light really had me going. I didn't feel lust, I felt a passion growing inside me.

Her hands slipped into my short hair and her lips so softly pushed on mine. This wasn't going to be rough hardcore sex like at the dance, no no. This was going to be the most passionate thing that ever happened in the name of god. I ran my arm around her neck and gently laid her on her back. I knew she liked it rough, but there was a soft side to her that was just in love with passion. I had tapped into that tonight. Her breathing was deep as she looked into my eyes. Wow, the love that flowed through her for me was just insane, I had one hand around her neck the other beside her head as I straddled her hips and kissed her a little deeper. I pushed my tongue past her lips as her hands rested on my hips. It was a kodak moment like no other.

I kissed her neck hard, but sweetly and I felt her gasp against my lips, as she gripped me a little tighter. Her hands went up my shirt and I sat up on her pelvic bone and lifted my arms up as my tank went over my head hitting the floor with no sound at all. I could feel her legs crossed behind me and I shook my head to get my hair out of my eyes before pulling her up against me. Her shirt met mine on the floor and I could feel her hands all over my back as she kissed my neck and my collar bone.

I pushed her back down after her bra met the floor. I laid on top of her for a little bit just feeling her breathe and listening to her heart race. Her hands roamed my back before and after my bra made friends with the floor. I kissed her neck again and I could feel her smiling.

"I love you Baby."
"I love you too Adien, you don't even know."

The song hit the chorus and I sang along to Nicole and smiled looking into her eyes as I did so.

"We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder. We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under. Whatever we deny or embrace, for worse or for better. We belong, we belong, we belong together."

I could feel the sudden rush of heat and passion just rush through Nicole as she pulled me into the most passionate kiss I had ever had before in my life. Her hands were tight gripped onto my back and you could easily feel the love flowing between us. I sat up pulling her with me and just felt the heat that was coming off of us. It was warm and peaceful.

I ran my hands down her sides and she laid back just knowing. My left hand stopped at her hip, but my right hand continued down her shorts. She bit her lower lip and relaxed, only tensing a little bit, she was getting used to my hands on her. I moved my hand just the way I hoped she liked, not teasing no that wasn't for today, but slow and deep, yes. I hit her spot getting a moan out of her right off the bat.

I could hear it start to rain outside and there was a clap of low thunder. Nicole shuttered below me, she was terrified of thunder and lighting. She used to text me during them and tell me she was scared, and no matter where I was even if I was with Sam I'd come over and rock her, but I wasn't stopping now to rock her. Okay maybe I was, my poor Nicole started to whimper. I rolled off and put her bra back on. I sat beside her and opened up my arms. She crawled into my arms and I rocked her singing softly. We could continue some other time. It wasn't needed, and I don't think Nicole would be able to focus, her fear was that strong. A tremor shot through her with each clap of thunder as they grew louder. I held her tight and pulled the comforter over us and held her tight trying to calm her.

"Shhh shhh shhh baby it's okay, it's okay. It's gunna be alright it's just thunder."

She was curled up tightly against me hiding her face against my neck. It was odd how childish she became when something scared her. It was so cute, I could never deny her. I stroked her hair and she drifted in and out of sleep. I put her down just for a moment and her eyes went wide with terror as I got off the bed. He hands shot out for me but I grabbed them and put them on the bed.

"Nicole it's okay. I'm blowing out the candles, so we can go to bed."

She was shaking a little from the fear as I blew out the candles and made sure the windows were all shut. I got back in bed and laid down, Nicole curled up in my arms still shaking. I knew she wasn't going to get any sleep till the storm was over.

"Sweetie want me to read you a story?"

She nodded and look up at me.

"Can you read me 'Keeping You A Secret'?"

"Yes baby girl, I'll read you your favorite book until you fall asleep."

I picked up the book she mentioned off the bedside table. I'm willing to bet she knew this book front to back, she absolutely loved it. I sat up with some pillows behind me. Nicole curled up against me and listened.

I was about half way through the book when I looked down at Nicole to see if she was asleep, and sure enough her eyes were shut, she was sucking her thumb and her breathing was nice and even. I put the book down and slid down taking her into my arms, after turning off the light. I knew she was going to sleep heavy so I played with her hair and kissed her cheek before falling asleep.

Nicole's P.O.V.

I woke up in Adien's arms. I was slightly frustrated, everything was going perfectly last night. So passionate it was intense and impossible to forget, but the storm came and I became a baby and got scared. I hated storms so much, like it was hard to understand. I slipped out of Adien's arms and shut the shades in my room making it dark. Adien woke up due to the sudden change in light.

"Nicole? Baby? Where are you?"

I could here the slight hysteria. I slipped into bed behind her and pulled her flush against me.

"Found you."

And She kissed me. Kissed me hard. Kissed me lovingly, and the rest, we started at 7 am. When we ended I checked the clock it was 1 pm. I kissed Adien's sweaty cheek. She had fallen asleep tired from the passion we had shared. She had worked me hard, hitting my spot at the right times, making me shake hard with each orgasm. I lost count of how many I had, she was amazing.
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We Belong