Status: Spleeee. Coming along slowly. Just working on getting ideas for the next chapter. 2-25-10

My Hearts Love

You're Invited To My Party

Nicole's P.O.V.

I woke up to a tag team of my phone vibrating and my alarm clock beeping way to loud for 6:00 in the morning. I flipped open my phone to a wake up deary from Adien. I smiled she never failed to txt me right at 6:00 to wake me up for school. I chucked a pillow at my clock knocking it over and possibly breaking it. Did no matter to me it was a piece of shit anyway.

I stretched and yawned almost falling out of bed. My dad called a goodbye up the stairs and I yelled a goodbye back as I pulled up my shorts and slide a shirt over my head. I combed out my hair and put on red bandanna to match the red going down the sides of my shorts, and slide my black hat on over it. I grabbed my Ipod and cell and made my way down the stairs making sure my backpack was at the front door with my lunch money on the speaker from my mother. I shoved the money into my wallet which made it's way into my back pocket. I put my head phones in and hit play and Stand In The Rain by SuperChick made it's way into my ears, I sang along.

I made my way to school, it was so cold I swear my bones were chilling. I could see my breath with every breath I let out. I had just past Adien's house when out of no where I was tackled to the ground by a miss giggly pants Adien who was stupid enough to be out in freezing weather in a long sleeved shirt and a thin as hell coat. She was magic, she convinced me I'd be fine and somehow got me out of my jacket and got it onto her without much protest. Now my walk to school consisted of a happy bouncey Adien in my jacket, and a cold shivering me listening to music.

Finally when we got to school she kept my jacket on and I left to go hang out with a few of my friends. I was chilling out with a few of my friends and laughing having a good time, when over walked little miss priss priss Sam, tugging Adien along. Adien's face was careful, I could tell she was watching me.

"Hey Nicole!" Yelled Sam.
"Hey Sam. What do you need?" I spoke, trying to hold back the I'm going to kill you tone.
"I need you to watch Adien here. I have to go to my class early and retake a test I failed." With that she flung Adien at me, who crashed against my chest breathing heavy.
"Okay. I'll 'watch her." I kept my arms at my sides until Sam was gone, then my arms went around Adien.

"Adien are you okay?" She was out of breath with her eyes shut.
"God she just pulls me around with no regards to how I feel. No offence to you, but I could have hung out with our friends. She is only making it harder for herself letting me be with you, never mind flinging me hard against you. She can be so stupid."

I rubbed her back and continued talking to my friends.

"Yeah Grace I'm having a party this weekend. The rents are gone, and fuck it I'm throwing a kick ass party."
"Drugs and alcohol?" asked Grace.
"No drugs thats so not my style, but yeah a little bit of vodka." Adien looked up at me with a glare.
"Vodka? Come on really Nicole? Do you have to?" She put on the cutest pleeding look.
"I highly doubt your priss priss girlfriend don't drink it anyway."
"Who says we are coming?"
"You're invited. Never said you had to come. Just tell her if she comes no fucking weed. Shit's nasty."
She rested against me and sighed. "Are you feeling better after yesturday?"
"Yeah I guess so. Dad wanted me to stay home and rest but I said no."
She reached up and felt my forehead.
"Hun your still warm, and your kinda flushed."
I shook it off, and tried to pull my head away from her hand. "Not now okay Adien."


Still Nicole's P.O.V.

"Mrs. Pixlen, may I use the bathroom?"
"Yes Nicole you may. I see you have finished your work, why don't you head to the library for the rest of class I have something to say to the rest of the class that doesn't apply to you."
I got up grabbing my stuff and left. I planed to go right to the spot I always went. Right to the window. I lost myself in a mix of NeverShoutNever and Owl city when I looked up to check out my spot. And there waiting in the middle of the window was Adien, looking down at her feet her head phones in her ears a tear on her face. I walked over kinda nervous that Sam might have been somewhere watching. Once I was five feet away I dropped my stuff to the floor and immediately swiped Adien into my arms. She wasn't crying hard just a few tears.

"Took you long enough Nicole." She banged on my shoulders a few times but I didn't let go. "That bitch of a girlfriend I have....I caught her with her hand up Marisol's shirt. She saw me and tried to run at me but I screamed fuck you and ran." Adien clung tighter to me and started whimpering something like she is here, but I wasn't sure until I felt someone tap my shoulder and say let go of my girlfriend. I swung around and somehow my fist connected with Sam's face. Sam let out a scream in time with Adien's gasp, and I found myself straddling Sam who was back flat on the ground with her shirt gripped in my hand. Adien's hands were tight on my back as she pleaded with me to stop.

"You want me to get MY hands off YOUR girlfriend?! The one you fucking cheated on?! What are you fucking stupid enough to think she wouldn't tell me what you did?" My fist made a few more connections with Sam's face. Sam was screaming at me to get off and Adien was behind me crying and trying to pull me off until I gave in a pushed off holding Adien behind me regardless of her struggles.

"Get the fuck off the ground bitch."
Sam stood and brushed off her clothes and made a move to punch me, ending with her against the wall with me screaming in her face. "Want to fucking try that again fuck face?" Adien was crying and tugging on my shirt until I backed off but she kept a grip on my shirt.

"What the fuck Nicole, Why are you going to believe Adien that I had my hand up Some chick's shirt?" spoke a breathless Sam
"Why am I going to believe her? Because you smoke weed. Have lied to me since we became friends, and to top it off when I told you I liked Adien you went and fucking dated her!" I grabbed her shirt again and pulled her off the wall and shoved her back against it.
"I told you I liked her you filthy, no good, back stabbing bitch! I love her more then you ever could." I dropped my hands and turned to look at Adien who looked scared out of her mind. I turned back to Sam and spit in her bruised face. "You're both invited to my party. Watch yourself Sam." I looked at Adien and quickly kissed her forehead and left to the library." I turned back and saw Adien yelling at Sam, and Sam on her knees pleading.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long. I don't really update much. I've been having my fiance around more often. And plans all the time with my friends. I'm booked for the rest of the weekends of November. I'll try to work on this as much as I can during the week. I hope everyone liked it. It kinda had a twist not even I saw coming it just kinda popped into my head.

Subscribers and Comments are so internally loved ^_^