Status: Spleeee. Coming along slowly. Just working on getting ideas for the next chapter. 2-25-10

My Hearts Love

I Love You

Adien's P.O.V.

I woke up to the shower running and I ran to peek and make sure it wasn't a ploy. Sure enough Nicole was standing by the shower cleaning off her side, shirtless. I stood there my eyes wide open until Nicole noticed and looked up at me kinda confused and without a word. I looked down and turned around.

"I'm sorry Nicole....I just wanted to make sure you weren't cutting again." Then I felt her arms around me and I knew she was wrapped in a towel I felt it around my ankles.

"Don't be sorry. It's fine, I understand." She spoke so softly.

I couldn't resist her. I couldn't let her let go, so I held her arms tighter around me as she stood there in her towel. Shit. It was happening I was really falling for this girl.

"I have to go dress." Mumbled Nicole against my back.

"Okay" I sighed, and hugged her tight before letting her go and watching her trail off to her bedroom.

I stood there and watched her and kept the sniffle back until I heard her bedroom door shut. Then I let the tear fall I let the sadness I suddenly felt overwhelm me and I ran down the stairs and pulled a pillow to my chest. It wasn't long before Nicole was down the stairs shirt just being pulled over her head, worry filled her amazing eyes. The eyes I couldn't get out of my head, the eyes of the girl who saved me from all the shit Sam sent my way.

"Darling what's wrong?"
"I'm in love."
"With Sam I know." She looked so hurt when those words slipped her mouth.
"No." The look she got on her face made me fall oh so much harder. Her eyes filled with confusion, wonder, all those cute things.
"Hand me my cell phone Nicole." She did as she was told.

"Samantha meet me at the school in 5 minutes okay?"
"Of course baby doll. I love you, see you soon." I saw the anger fill in Nicole's eyes she could hear whatever Sam said.
"Uh, yeah. Love you to Sam. bai."

I clicked the phone shut and made my way to the door. My hand was on the door knob and I turned back to Nicole.

"Coming? I need a ride."
Nicole sighed. She never said no to me. How cute was she? Even if it had to do with Sam, she didn't say no. Nicole got up, and made her way out the door I opened and locked behind us. She climbed into her car and we made our way towards the school.

On the way, the whole 3 minute drive, I wondered why she walked to school. Was it me? Did she really walk in the cold just to see me? That only made me feel all the better about what I was about to do.

Once at the school, I told Nicole to stay in the car, the fucking sexy ass jet black ford mustang. Told her to the music blaring till I motioned for her to come out and over to me. I leaned against the hood knowing it would drive Nicole mad. I had my feet on the ground and I was propped up on my elbows, trying to be as sexy as ever.

Nicole's P.O.V.

I swear to god Adien never seized to amaze me. I had no idea what she was trying to do, but she was leaning against my car in the sexiest way. I didn't care if it was for Sam or for me. It was hot and my mind was going wild. I had to hold onto the steering wheel and listen hard to the music to keep from leaping out of the car and pinning her to the hood.

Adien's P.O.V.

I peeked back at Nicole and saw the look of concentration on her face. I had to have been driving her nuts. I turned back just to see Sam's shitty jeep turn into the school's parking lot. She parked in the far side and got out of the car. She looked hot I have to admit, but I didn't give a flying fuck. She treated me in a way I did not need. She treated me in a way I would no longer take. I knew who my heart wanted, and she was in the car behind her and I was about to make her day, her week, her month, her year, her everything.

Sam made her way toward me a disgusted look on her face once she knew who's car I was on, but a smile returned when I smirked at her. She broke into a slight jog to get to me. Once she reached me I kissed her full on. The last kiss she would ever get from me and I heard a slight rev from Nicole's engine, made it all the better. I'd piss her off then take her breath away.

"What did you want to see me for Adi? You're going to see me tonight at Nicole's party."
"I wanted to talk to you." I pouted innocently.
"Your so cute you know, I don't know why you hang with that shit bag Nicole. She is only good for is alcohol."
That's when I lost it. I turned back and motioned for Nicole to come out of the car. When she opened the door Trouble by NeverShoutNever! was blaring through the cars speakers. She got out and walked towards me and leaned on the car. Perfect. Also once Nicole got out of the car Sam let me go and backed up a few spaces.
"Samantha she is good for much more then that. I'd even prefer if she didn't do that."
Nicole stayed quite by my side.
"This tramp ain't good for nothing." Laughed Sam.
"That's where your wrong Samantha." I laughed back at her. "You," I pointed at her my face turning pure evil," you're good for nothing but sex and kissing. You treat me lower then dirt. You don't respect me at all. Nicole treats me better then you ever did!" I pushed her chest hard enough to make it hurt her. "You're nothing. You ruined everything for yourself!"
That's when I did it. I turned to Nicole pinning her to her car and pushed my lips to hers. Almost immediately I felt Sam's hands gripping the back of my shirt. I smirked and let her pull me off. I had done my deed. No sooner was I off Nicole did she push off the car and grip Sam by her shirt.
"Fucking let her go before I knock the living shit out of you."
"You let me fucking go before I beat the shit out of you Nicole."
"You're just jealous because Adien loves me and not a fuck face that treats her like shit!"
Thats when Nicole's fist became best friends with Sam's face, and I didn't stop her. Sam sure let go of me. Hit Nicole in the face. Her mistake. I sat on the hood of the car. Sam got up and walked away. Nicole stood up and came right over to me and started kissing all around where my shirt was on my neck. It was red and irritated because Sam yanked so hard.
"Adien, Adien are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

I threw my arms around Nicole and held her as I watched Sam start her car and drive off.

"I don't love her Nicole. It's you I love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long. I've had a lot on my mind. I hope you all like it!

Comments and subscribers are loved<3