Status: Spleeee. Coming along slowly. Just working on getting ideas for the next chapter. 2-25-10

My Hearts Love

Just Drop Dead Already

Nicole's P.O.V.

I was running around the house the party was going great. Nothing was broken, the music was bumping, and best of all Adien and Jennifer were getting along amazing. The best adult in my life absolutely loved the girl I was in love with. It was perfect. Pure bliss.

I made my way over to Adien and sat next to her on the couch and gave her a quick kiss then looked at Jenn and winked. She laughed her you silly little girl laugh. I made yet another quick serve of the room watching everyone dancing a few making out in a corner.

"So Adien are you enjoying my party?" I said as I sipped from my bottle of vodka.
Her arms slid around my waist.
"No shit love, I am very much enjoying it. Now don't get to drunk I want you to enjoy making love with me later."

Jenn burst out laughing when I dropped my bottle on the table and tackled Adien on the couch with kisses. I love just how seductive she was when she didn't even try.

"Nicole take a chill pill. Mess with her later. You've still got to party for an other two hours!"

I softly tugged on Adien's bottem lip gaining myself a soft moan before I sat up giggling.

"Yes Jenn Jenn." I bowed my fake you own me bow. and stood up laughing and fell back onto the couch with Adien who was laughing.

I heard a knock on the door and laughed to myself, thinking who the fuck is coming to my party so late.

"Jennifer can you get that for me?"

She didn't even respond just made her way to the door.

"No Samantha, you cannon come in this fucking house."

I shot strait up at the name. Jennifer knew who to not let in this house. I went to stand up and tell Sam off but Adien grabbed my Shirt and yanked me down. She pleaded with her eyes and I gave in to sit down. I was almost calm listening to Jennifer yell at Sam to leave till I heard her gasp in pain and I looked up to see a knife in her leg.


Thats when I lost it.

"Adien call 911. Jennifer will be fine but Sam is going to need it."

Adien tried to hold me down. To hold me back, but I only ripped from her grasp. Running for the door and slamming it shut behind me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Coming to my fu--"

My face stung, but only slightly. I guess she left her knife in my friend, because she hit with her fists.

"You mother fucking whore! You stole my girlfriend!" and she hit me again.

Thats all I gave her.

"Sorry I'm better then you. Sorry she is in love with me! So fuck you fuck shoes!"

I hit her one across the face that sent her to the ground. By this time my whole party was outside, except for Adien and Jennifer. Adien knew I could take care of Sam.

Sammy tried to stand but I was straddling her hips my hands gripping her shirt tight, holding her to the ground. I felt Adien's hand on my shoulder. She didn't call 911, 'cause they'd take me to jail. I stood up and backed off Sam. She stood up and looked at me. Waiting for something, probably for me to kiss Adien. I didn't, i knew it would hurt her more just to see my arms around her, which I did. I slid my arms around Adien and held her to me. A few people took Sam and pulled her away to her car. Once she was turned around I kiss Adien and went back inside, back to Jenn.

My arms dropped from Adien as I ran to my room, I knew thats where Adien would put her. I ran up the stairs taking them 3 at a time. I dove into my room and sat on my bed. Jenn was laying there eyes clenched shut in pain.

"Adien need another towel. Please hurry!"

I took Jenn's hand and slowly removed the towel from her leg. She winced, it wasn't to bad. Sam didn't know how to stab. It was going to hurt though. It would for a while, it was still bleeding, but Jennifer was going to be alright I just knew it. I wish Sam would just drop dead though.
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Sorry it took so long. I'm starting a new story soon. I have the first chapter writen down, but not typed up yet. I promise to work on both as much as I can!