Status: One-shot Complete

Lana's Wish


The little girl pulled her knees tight to her chest, the tears streaming down her face were evidence of her pain and anguish over the noise coming from the living room. Although the door was closed tight, the sounds could still be heard in her room. Why did her parents argue so much? It always seemed to be caused because of money or the wrong thing being cooked for tea. This is what Lana had been brought up in, a life of arguments and worry.

No one knew about the arguments that took place in Lana’s home each night, Lana was a good actress although she was still a tender age of 9. Each day at school, Lana would walk in, a smile on her face, the tears from the previous night making her eyes shine bright in the sun. Lana’s hair was always pulled back, no single hair falling into her face until she left school that afternoon, her hair band being ripped from her long brown hair.

“Lana, you better not have had your hair down all day, you’ll get head lice.” He mother would scold as she ran over, her eyes finally portraying her worry about going home.

“I didn’t mummy, promise. Could we walk home slow tonight? Or go to the park?” Lana would say, her hope heard in her small voice.

“Not tonight Lana, Daddy will be home soon.” Her mother would smile half-heartedly, understanding her daughters worry before taking her hand and leading her out of the school playground and towards their home.

Once inside of the home, Lana would take off her shoes and coat, hang and place them in their correct places and then take her school bag to her room where she would sit, singing to herself as she drew on spare pieces of paper she’d find. That’s when her dad would come in and the noise would start.

Each night, Lana cried herself to sleep, each morning waking up and plastering on a fake smile for the day ahead.

Weekends were the worst for the small 9 years old. While her sisters played in the garden, Lana would sit inside and cry as her parents argued yet again.

Lana knew though, one day, things would get easier, the arguments would stop and her pain would vanish. She just wished for that one day soon.

Lana wished her parents would stop arguing. Lana wished her pain would come to an end and Lana wished the noise would stop.
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Ok, so I was feeling sad so I wrote this. It literally took me 20 minutes so im sorry if its rubbish and im sorry that its only short.
What do you think?
Laurenn xo