Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker


Last night hadn't been much of a night. We all hung out in our separate groups. None of the girls were up yet, and I'd decided to eat a bowl of cereal. I heard a yawn come through the room, and looked up to see Heather, smiling at me. She sat down, still in her white tank top, and pink pajama bottoms.

"Look, Kennadee, I think we should truce. I mean, we could win this competition together. I mean, if there's any girl better than me for Alex, it's you. We could do wonders if we worked together, with your charm, and sweet personality, and my fierce attitude, it could be a blast, I'd love to get to know you better, we could be great friends" she told me. I looked up at her skeptically. She stood up, and held her arms out.

"Fine, truce, but I don't think I'm ready to hug yet" I told her. She sighed in relief.

"Me either" she said and sat back down with a smile.


"What?! you made a truce with Heather?! How could you!?!" Tara gasped.

"Um, I dunno, well, at least she's trying to be friends with all the girls in the house" I shrugged.

"That's because all the other girls in the house are backstabbing sluts just like her!" Tara whispered in an angry tone, hoping that Heather wouldn't hear. "I can't believe this! She's like, the queen bee of the house! And by doing this, you're just going to become one of her little worker bees!"

"Listen, Tara, it's nothing. We just have to put up with this for a couple more weeks, or until we get eliminated, after that, none of us ever have to talk to each other again" I pointed out.

"You know what?! Fine, go be friends with the bitch! I don't care. But don't come crying to me and Erica when she plays you like I know that little skank is! Also! That's why her and Gaskarth would be perfect to each other! Because their names, both end in skank!" she said walking away.

"No! Tara! Wait!" I said. Just because I was friends with someone else, didn't mean I wanted to lose one. 'Make new friends, keep the old'. Whatever happened to that?

"Next challenge!" Jack called up the stairs. I bolted down the stairs to the judging room. I stood beside Heather, my hands clasped together, and my head down.

"You okay?" Heather asked with a sympathetic smile.

"Uh, yeah" I said and looked back up at Alex and his friends.

"Alright, first team, well done on the dog-walking challenge, second team, not so well, you had an extra girl too! You guys really have to step it up! Your next challenge is another modeling one, except with a twist. You're gonna walk down the runway, trying to look good, with the ugliest outfit you can put together. One with the craziest outfit, still looking gorgeous, wins, the winner will get a photo shoot with they're ugly outfit, and again, a date with me, there will be an elimination, so again, girls, step it up"

We ran over to the bins, that had tons of insane outfits. I grabbed a pink wig, and orange button up shirts with black polka dots, fishnet tights, a floral vest, green extensions, and a solid pink beret with diamonds on it. Heather looked over at me and laughed. "Great outfit!" she said cracking up.

"Ha. ha" I said rolling my eyes playfully. As Tara walked by she glared at me as she walked by, even though she was mad at me, I couldn't take her seriously at the outfit she was wearing either. I laughed at her, but she just looked at me in anger when Heather started laughing too, I stopped, and she stormed off as she was called onto stage. I sighed and Heather continued to blabber on about the other girls.

Heather was called onto stage. She blew me a kiss, and waved, the went out onto the runway. I laughed and rolled my eyes. But I didn't know if I was laughing because I actually was her friend, or if it was a pretend laugh, and I was faking because I had no friends. Either way, I didn't feel so great. They called my name as Heather came back, and I walked out with a crooked walk, and posed. The boys at the judge table laughed. That consisted of Alex, Jack, Zack, Rian and Matt. They wrote something down on their papers, and told me I could go back.


"Wow! Great job today girls! Loved some of the outfits you put together! But I'm afraid I have to eliminate one of you. All of you were great, but these are the rules. I don't wish any of you to go. I guess I'll start with the good news. The winner. The winner is... Erica!" he said. "When you said you were into fashion, you weren't kidding, I loved the outfit, you could probably doing anything with your outfits! Congrats!" he said to her as she went and stood at his side.







I looked at the two girls left. Tara, and Sheryl. "Alright, now there is 11 girls in this house, 2 girls standing, and 1 of me, and the girl that has to go, is Tara"
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Thanks for reading! Hope you like!