Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker

The Hill

"My to-" Alex started, but I started running "Where are you going?". I ran up the stairs to the familiar blue theme room. Out of breathe, I stated Tara's name. She ignored me.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"You can't hate me for making it right with someone"

"Heather isn't a someone Kennadee, she's a player, if Alex wants me off the show, I'll get off the show, at least I don't have to take another look at the sluts in this house, and the lead singer that thinks he's the shit, so I'm gone" she said going back to packing.

"Tara, please, I just wanna make this right before you leave"

"Listen, I'll see how I feel in a week. If I'm in a good mood, I'll call you, if not..." she paused and walked out the door, her black suitcase in hand and her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Goodbye Tara" I said in low voice. She looked at me, turned back around, dashed down the stairs, and the door slammed. A tear glistened down my cheek. I took my finger, and wiped it away, going back downstairs slowly, and back into the judging room. Alex nodded and pointed to the other girls on his side. I took my place by Heather.

"Where were you?" she sneered.

"Um, I had to take care of something" I told her.

"Oh, Tara?! Forget her. She's gone. Don't worry about her" she said and we turned back to Alex and Ashton.

"Alright, my top ten!" he said. "Congratulations! You may go back to your house now, we have a long day ahead of us, and Erica, get ready for your date tonight" he told us. I waited until the other girls were back in the house. I crept into the backyard, and behind the bushes was a hill, a hill I liked to go for peace. I sat there with my iPod, and looked at the starry sky. It was amazing. I layed back and closed my eyes. Moments later, I heard rustling in the bushes, jumped and turned around. I saw a shadow.

"You thought you were the only one who knew about this place?" the man stepped in closer, and I sighed in relief as I saw Alex. He chuckled. "This is part of the reason I picked this place"

"Beautiful isn't it?" I asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, you are" he smirked. I laughed.

"That's not what I meant" I told him.

"Yeah, but I did" he said. It was quiet for a moment. "I heard what happened between you, Tara and Heather"

"How?" I asked.

"Are you really asking me that?" he smiled. "All those girls are gossipy, they talk about everything, and everyone"

"Very true, so what do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone has opinion on something. Give me yours on this, oh master, give me your great advice!" I teased.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I thought Tara was a really nice girl, and Heather is hot, but she likes to take charge to much, I like that she's fierce, but she's also rude, let's keep this our little secret, but she tried to flirt with Jack, to get to me, but hey, whoever you wanna be friends with, well, that's not my decision. But overall, I wasn't mad that you went and tried to make-up with Tara, and it's great that you made friends with you're enemy, I mean, hey, once you get to know someone, they're not so bad" he winked.


"I heard you weren't so enthusiastic about this when you got here, but I didn't care, just as long as you were here, you were gonna get to know the real Alex, and you were gonna like him whether you liked it or not!" he teased.

"Is that so?" I joked back.


"That's good, because I think I like the real Alex. But tell me this. If you like Tara so much, why did you send her home?"

"She was no good at the challenges"



"ALEX?! ALEX! GUYS! HE'S ON THE HILL!" Jack yelled to Ashton, Rian, and Zack.

"Uhm, that's my cue" Alex said getting up. I nodded.

"Yeah, I think I'm going in too" I told him. He held out a hand. I took it and he pulled me up. He ran through the bushes.

"Alex! We've been looking for you everywhere!" Zack told him, and led him inside. I stepped out, and waited until they were back inside, and when the light in Alex's room went on upstairs, I went back into the house.
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Thanks for reading! = ) Hope you liked it!