Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker

How well do you know Alex?

I couldn't believe Alex had put me in the bottom two, I had always been one of the first ones. He was really toying with my feelings. Wow, I sounded shallow. I shook it off, and went back upstairs. My phone vibrated and the screen flashed a picture of my friends back home.


"AHHH! OH MY GOD! I WAS JUST WATCHING! I can't believe he put you in the bottom two!"

"Whoa, chill, it's no big deal"

"You could've went home! Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your place Kennadee?! He's the lead singer of our favorite band! Don't take this chance for granted"


"Welcome back to Alex Gaskarth's 15 Girls, 1 Rocker, with only 9 girls left in the house, and one more going home today! Alex is just about to call the girls to the judging room to tell them they're next challenge!"

"Alright ladies, I hope you've all gotten to know me, because you're going to do a 'How Well Do You Know Alex?' quiz. You'll have to answer 20 questions about me, once you get 3 wrong, you're out, got it?" he explained. We all nodded. "We can have 4-5 at a time. I want 4 for the first group"


Erica went out, and I went in. I sat there quietly, then Alex asked me the first question. "When is my birthday? Date, month and year?"

"December 14th, 1987"

"Where was I born?"


"What's my hometown?"


"What are the musical influences for my band, or my favorite bands?"

"Blink 182, New Found Glory, and Green Day"

This stuff was easy. What can I say? He's in my favorite band,and out of all the girls, I had really gotten to know him.

"Name the guys in my band, including the tour manager"

"Jack Barakat, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick, and Matt Flyzik"

"Who did I not go to high school with?"

"Zack Merrick"


I stepped into line in the judging room with the 8 other girls. Alex looked depressed, he rubbed his hand across his head. "Uh, okay. The winner, does not get a date, and no prize, because it is obvious they know me the best. What they do get, is the pride of being a winner" he fake laughed. "The winner is Kennadee" he said. "Great job, you knew mostly everything about me, it's great to have you here" he said to me sincerely. He hugged me, and I walked to his side.




"And the girl that most go is... Brooke" he said. "Please pack up your things here at the 15 Girls, 1 Rocker house, I'm sorry" he said, still looking gloomy. Then he suddenly walked out of the room. I looked over at his band, and they shrugged.
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Kind of short. = / Sorry. Thanks for reading! Feedback please!