Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker

Coming back.

Kennadee had gone back to her own cozy apartment, even back to work. She had her fill of rest every night and saw her father every day, today he was getting out of the hospital, after a week.

"Okay, now try singing this note" she said to the 10 year old girl pointing to the paper. She looked at her watch, thankful it was almost time for a break. It was clear that this little girl would never be able to sing and was a brat, but she had to patient and have hope in her students. Company policy. The girl sang the note in a high pitched voice, while Kennadee tried not to plug her ears. "Okay, uh, good, that's it for today Melanie" she said putting the singing books away. Melanie smiled at her, and hopped along to her mother. Kennadee sighed and took out her lunch. Her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Uh, Kennadee?"

"Speaking... "

"This is Rian, we need you to come back to the show" he pleaded.

"I'm sorry Rian, but I just don't think I'm ready to leave Chestertown again" she apologized.

"You've got to, Alex is nothing without you, it's obvious he's going to pick you, all he does is sit around and mope all day"

"Rian please I-"

"Kennadee, I'm begging you, he hasn't even started the show since you left, pick up a newspaper, you'll see it anywhere. I can't stand seeing my best friend like this"

"Well, I-I, I guess I could...but work and- yeah. I suppose..."

"Thank you! We've already sent you the ticket in the mail, be on the plane by 6:00 AM tomorrow" he told her.

"Sure thing" she said. And with that they both hung up.

Next day-

(Alex's POV):

"Alex, we have something to show you" my friends said coming into my room.

"No forget it, I don't wanna see it" I told them.

"Oh, I think you'd like to see this surprise" Rian encouraged.

"This better be good" I mumbled getting up off my bed. They led me to the purple room that Kennadee once lived in while she was here. I got irritated and tried to pull myself out of their grip, but they held me back. Matt pushed the door open and I saw her face. The signs of anger, sadness, irritation and gloom that had sat inside me for weeks suddenly went away. She smiled and so did I. I ran to her and squeezed her with all my might, lifting her off the ground. She giggled and so did he. "How?" I asked. She pointed to my friends. "Thank you" I told them.

"Dude, do you know how hard it was seeing you like that for 3 weeks?" Jack teased.

"So, do you think we can start the show now?" Zack asked.

"Absolutely" Alex said.

Meanwhile, downstairs...

"WHAT?! SHE'S BACK! She cannot be back! She'll totally steal Alex!" Heather cried.

"She'll win no doubt! I mean Alex hasn't been happy without her here for weeks!"

"We have to do something about this"


"We just have to make her look bad in front of Alex"

"Okay, let's do it"

"I'm in"
♠ ♠ ♠
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