Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker

Faking it.

I sat on the couching just laying around, waiting for something to happen.

"OH.EM.GEE!" Heather's voice called. "Girls! Ah! Like, look who's back!" she said her arms wide open for a hug. The girls smiled at me. I accepted the hug. "We all missed you so much!" she told me. I smiled knowing that none of these girls had probably not even thought about me while I was gone. And if they did, they were probably just saying nasty things about me. Erica watched in amusement, looked at me, shook her head, and walked off.

Meep. Meep. Meep, the alarm went off. We made a line in the judging room in front of Alex. The cameras on both side of us. Oh, how I missed the cameras... not. "Okay girls, before I tell you the next challenge, I just wanted to say welcome back to Kennadee, who had to leave, I'm so glad to have her back" he grinned. I looked to Jack, who gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and turned back to Alex. "Alright, your challenge is a scavenger hunt, to find all my favorite things, you'll be partnered into two, and must find all my favorite things in this house. The teams are... Heather and Erin, Michelle and Shauna, Sheryl and Sarah, and Erica and Kennadee, if you win, you're safe, if your teams loses, you will both be eliminated" Alex announced. I looked over at Erica, and she glared at me, but came over to my side. "And... GO!" he said and we all took off out of the judging room and into the house.

The lists and a bag were on the kitchen table and we ran to pick them up.

Alex's Favorite Things
-Cupped noodles

And the list went on, each one had a hint. We were in the kitchen and we might as well have looked for the noodles. We looked throught the cabinets, we looked to another shelf, and found plenty of cupped noodles, we grabbed one, and put it in our bag. We crossed it out, and ran upstairs to find the next thing on the list.

We ran back to the judging room, with the bag full of things we were to find, we saw 2 teams back in a line, we had been third, the team that was last would be eliminated. The last team ran in, and gave their stuff to Alex. He accepted it, and pointed to the line. They turned around walking towards us with disappointment, knowing they'd been last.

"Okay, teams, great job on finding the stuff, all of you, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to let two of you go. I'm very sorry, but the last team, Michelle and Shauna, I'm afraid you have to go. I'd just like to say that you both did well here and just know that you girls got this far. I hope you find your true loves, but I guess that's just not me. Please return to the house and pack up your bags" Alex told them. They nodded their heads and walked out of the room. The rest of us cheered as a result of winning and not being eliminated.


I sat in my room with my earphones to my iPod in my ears. A knock on the door made me jump, I slowly got up to answer it, it was Jack. "Can I come in?" he asked.

"Of course" I told him and he shut the door.

"So I just wanted to say, thanks for coming back, you mean a lot to Alex, you mean a lot to all of us, and if I had to pick one of these girls to become a part of our family, I definitely pick you, I think all of us, Rian, Zack, Kara, can say that"

Later that night...

Heather's POV-

I watched to see if the camera man was in the editing room. I peeked through the window, and checked the corners. Nothing. I grabbed the paper clip, and twisted the lock. I walked in, turned on the computer, and waited for it to load. I went into the video editing system.

"Let's see what you got camera man..." I clicked on a couple clips, ones I saw with Kennadee in them. Most of them were just the show, and nothing interesting, but I spotted something in one of the judgings, and another clip of her even more interesting. I grabbed a DVD, put the two clips together, and put it on to the DVD, oh, I'm sure Alex would hate to see this, I needed to show it to him. Then maybe he'd think Kennadee wasn't so innocent after all.


"Um, Alex, I have something to show you, I think you'll be surprised" I told him.

"Uh, sure" he said. I popped the DVD into the TV. It showed the two clips and stopped, I turned it off, and his head was buried in his hands, and he shook his head. He looked at the TV, then me, and walked away. I smirked. Kennadee better watch it.
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