Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker


"Uh, alright, before we do anything, I'd like everyone to make their way to the judging room" Alex said. Well, this was it, goodbye Alex, goodbye 15 Girls, One Rocker, goodbye LA, hello home. Everyone made a line in the judging room. "I need to eliminate someone, they have caused me much pain, and betrayed me. They must go right away" Alex told the others. I looked to Heather who was smirking, she took a glance at me, and grinned with a wave. I scoffed, and turned back to Alex. "Kennadee, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" he said, but I was almost out the door. I ran upstairs, and once again, packed my bags, but this time, I knew a car was already waiting for me downstairs. I was completely heartbroken that Alex would believe Heather's bullshit. And it was obvious, that now that I was out of the competition, she would be the one to win over Alex.


Alex's POV-

After Kennadee left, I looked at Rian and Zack. They looked annoyed at me. I gave them the same look back. I had no feelings left for Kennadee anymore. After what she did with Jack, I'd never be able to forgive either of them.

"Okay girls, your next challenge is to..."

Later that night...

"Are you stupid?" Zack asked me.

"Excuse me?" I asked him.

"Did you even listen to the sound on the TV?" Rian asked.

"No, but-"

"She didn't do anything with Jack, Alex. You know, she might have known you, and you may have liked her the most, but this just goes to show that you didn't know her. At all. " Rian told me. I said nothing. They pulled me up, and I tried to get out of their grip.

"Alex! Please! Just let us show you something..." Zack said. I sighed and gave up. They led me towards the editing room. I gave them a confused looked, but they just pushed me in. The clips came up, and they turned up the volume, and played the clip.

"Hey Kennadee, can I come in?" Jack asked.

"Of course" she said and the door shut. The camera moved in closer to the door and I listened closely.

"So I just wanted to say, thanks for coming back, you mean a lot to Alex, you mean a lot to all of us, and if I had to pick one of these girls to become a part of our family, I definitely pick you, I think all of us, Rian, Zack, Kara, can say that" Jack said. And the clip went off.

"Fuck" I whispered to myself. I had to get Kennadee back. Her and Jack tried to tell me all along, but I was too stubborn to listen. I went back up to my room, knowing she was probably home by now. There was nothing I could do about it. And that killed me.

All the lights were off and all the girls were asleep when I walked into the apartment. I flicked the entrance light on. I dropped my suitcase, and plopped onto the couch, tired and jet-lagged from my flight. And still remembering what happened, back at the show. But at least things were back to normal. I'd get back to work, I could see my friends and family everyday, and just be happy. Without Alex, I guess. But hey, what could I do? He didn't want me. But why did it matter? I didn't want him in the first place either. My eyes started to get heavy, and my sight went black.

Next day...

I was shaken awake and my eyes popped open. I had a pain in my neck and a headache "Your home!" the girls said in cheery voices and stood around me, they each gave me hugs. "We'd been watching the show, and we're sorry" they told me. "Maybe we were wrong about Alex and the show"

"Yeah, I think I'm just gonna go back to bed" I said picking my bag up, and dragging it to my room. I turned on the T.V and the logo for Fifteen Girls, One Rocker, flashed upon the screen. I scoffed and turned it off. I changed into pajama's and slipped into bed. I had enough Alex Gaskarth for 3 days.
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