Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker


"Okay ladies, time for your next challenge" Alex told us. " My girl has to look good, whenever, wherever, and in whatever. Today, you are models" he said. Oh great, another way for the whores to show off their bodies and strip for him. "I have outfits picked out for you, you will get your hair and make up done, and then model the outfits for me, no elimination, but there will be a winner for this challenge, elimination tomorrow after that challenge. The winner gets a date with me. So let's get down to it!" he said.

We walked into the room, seeing racks of clothing with our names on them. I sighed and looked at the clothes on my rack. I looked at the black strapless dress on the hanger. 'First outfit: Classy In Black' the sign around it said. I grabbed the dress, and pulled it into the change room. I stumbled to the mirror in the high heels I could barely walk in. I looked at myself. My make up didn't look bad, the dress was okay, and the jewelry was so pretty, but at the moment, I wish I had my Converse. Alex called my name, and I walked over to the stage.

"You look gorgeous" he told me.

"Thank you" I said quietly, almost tripping.

"Are you okay ?" he asked.

"Uhm, yeah, fine" I told him, trying to get back to the dressing room. He laughed.

"You can take your heels off " he yelled back smirking. I kicked the shoes off in relief, and looked back at the rack for my next outfit. '2nd outfit: Concert clothes'. I looked at it. Grey shorts, a white t-shirt and a vest with boots. I brought it over to the change room.

"The things I do for love" I mumbled to myself.


"Okay, you all did very well. Unfortunately I can only pick one winner, and the winner I chose is Erica" he said. She smiled and walked over to him. He smirked. She looked at me, with a huge grin on her face and I gave her a thumbs up. "The rest of you, good work, it's gonna be hard to eliminate" he said and walked away with Erica. We all went back into our rooms.

"Who do you think he's gonna eliminate?" I asked Tara.

"Ally, she's always showing off , I think he feels trapped"

"True" I said. Alex came into the room.

"Hello ladies, Kennadee, can I speak to you?" he asked. I nodded. "I just wanted to tell you, you'll be safe for a long time, you're one of my favorites. And the reason I chose tall high heels in one of your outfits today, was to see if you'd put up with it. I know you're not like the others, you're not a total girly girl, but not a tomboy either, just a really cool girl. Really down to earth, that's what I like about you, but I have to go, see you later" he said and kissed me on the cheek. I just stood there.

"What was that about ?" Tara asked me.

"Nothing" was all I said.
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Thanks for reading !