Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker


All the girls were eating breakfast and the familiar sound went off.


"Hello, and welcome back, to Alex Gaskarth's 15 Girls, 1 Rocker, once again, Alex is about to tell the remaining 14 girls they're next challenge, after this challenge 2 will be eliminated"


Meep. Meep. Meep. I rolled my eyes and put my fork down as everyone rushed towards the judging room. There we stood in two lines in front of Alex.

"Good morning ladies. Your next challenge, is an outdoors challenge. My girl can't be afraid to get a little dirt on her dress, or some water splashed at her, she can't scream at the top of her lungs at a fly. It's embarrassing, it will be an obstacle course you must go through. Full of critters, dirt and water. Every time you scream, it will be tallied. The one with the most tallies looses, and the one with the least, or none, is the winner. The winner, is automatically safe from elimination and wins a date with me, so get into your swim suits, and get going" he said.

The girls dashed up the stairs, and pulled things out of their closets, looking for their bikinis. I looked at the purple closet, and opened it up, I took my pink, zebra print bikini into the washroom to change, and put my hair up in a pony tail. I made my way downstairs with the other girls, and out to the back. I looked at the obstacle course.

"Jack and Matt will be monitoring the obstacle course, deciding to use whatever tricks, on different girls" he said. "Your name will be called when you are to go, you will be timed, but it doesn't count much, just worry about your tallies, first up is Erica" he said. The timer started and she crawled into the mud, and into the water. A bee swarmed around her and she stayed still. It landed on her skin, and she let out an "Eep!"

She was tallied one. She followed through the rest of the obstacle course, and in all got 3 tallies.

"Kennadee" Alex called. I sighed, and lined with the beginning of the course. The timer started and I went through. I jumped into the mud. Dipped in the water. Let a couple of bugs fly around me, and rolled back into the mud. A grasshopper jumped onto me, and my eyes widened with fear. I let out a squeal, and was tallied as one. Damn, I thought.


"So, how is everything?! Does he like you? Is he charming and sweet like they say?!" My friends back home asked. Liz, Beth and Issy asked.

"He said he likes me, and I'll be around for a while, but I'm not sure I want that, I mean, he's so cocky"

"He's not cocky... he's just self confident, which is good"

"Okay, well, he's over self confident. And he could have any of these other girls, which our whores, but I mean, he probably loves it. What if he's just playing me? He's probably good at that" I said.

"Oh Kennadee, you're just over thinking it, he likes you, I've been wat-"

"Girls! Time for elimination!" Jack called. I sighed.

"I gotta go" I said pressing end, and putting the phone down. We were only allowed to use the house phone, 1 hour a day. I ran downstairs and followed all the girls to the judging room.

"Okay, so we all looked at the tallies, and it seems like most of you are a little too scared of things much smaller than you, drama queens" he observed. "First, I am going to call up our winner, congratulations to Kennadee, with only 1 tally, you've won yourself a date with me" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek, his hand on my back, pushing me towards the safe side. "Now, there are 13 of you. 2 of you, being eliminated tonight" he said. The girls all looked at each other.


"Okay, now there are two of you, Donna, and Ally" he said. The girls eyes tearing up. "I'm sorry. But you are both going home"

"I thought I was your favorite Alex!" Ally shouted and stormed out of the room. He looked at her shocked, and Donna, just walked out, with tears in her eyes. Her turned back to us.

"Good luck ladies! But the next challenge gets hard, better start to step it up"
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