Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker

Not so bad.

That night we all made our way to the judging room. Some girls furious, from yelling at Alex's longtime high school friend. And others, proud of themselves. Alex and Kara stood before us.

"Hello ladies" Kara spoke "Now some of you were a bit angry and didn't seem to get along with me much, but others I really liked. But we all know people say things they don't mean, so again, no winner" everyone nodded. "Alright the first name I wanna call is Tara" Kara smiled. "What I liked about you was that you were great at starting up a conversation, and weren't shy to tell me about yourself"she told Tara. "Alright, um, Kennadee,also get ready for your date with Alex." she said. "Erica"
"Alright, there is only 2 of you left, and only one that I can keep safe" Kara said looking at Rebecca and Brooke. "And I chose Brooke, I'm sorry Rebecca, but I don't think I could have you around me. "You scream and yelled, and you did not have an effort to get along with me, pack up your things, you're going home"

I slipped on a black strapless top with a braided belt over it, a cardigan, skinny jeans and gold and black high-tops. I applied eye shadow and eye liner, with a bit of lip gloss, and shoved my phone into my pocket. I made my way to the front door, where I was asked to meet Alex. He took my hand and kissed it. "You look beautiful" he told me. I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully.

"What the charmer you are Alex Gaskarth" I laughed.

"What can I say? I love the ladies." he replied. He led me to the car, and opened my door. He went around to the other side, pulled his seat-belt over himself, and put the key in ignition. We sped off into the streets of LA.

Minutes later, he pulled up mini- golf. "You got me all dressed up for mini- golf?" I asked him.

"I guess so!" he chuckled, and ushered me towards the entrance.


"Haha! I'm soo bad at this" I giggled to myself as I swung the pink golf club and the ball flew. Believe it or not, the lead singer of my favorite band, turned out to be a good date. He treated the ladies right, maybe he wasn't as obnoxious as I had thought. Maybe I could win this.

"It's okay, here" he said, coming up behind me, and putting his arms around mine. He swung the golf club, and the golf ball landed right into it's place. "Yeah see?" he said and picked up his orange golf club. I just pushed him jokingly. I sighed at the cameras, who were capturing every moment of it. I was starting to get used to them, but that didn't mean they weren't annoying as hell.

As we went onto the last hole, Alex looked at his watch. "Ah, perfect timing. Shall we go after this hole?" he asked glancing my way. I nodded. I watched as he swung his club, and landed the ball right into it's hole. He smirked at me, and stepped out of the way, watching me. I stepped into place, and swung the club, the smallest bit, but it didn't reach the hole in between the elephant and lion. I sighed and laughed. Alex laughed with me a bit, and kissed me on the cheek. We walked back over to the golf ball and club rentals, and handed them back to the lady. She smiled.

"Have a good night! Come again!" she said on our way out.

As he escorted me to the car, we swung our hands back and forth. "You know Gaskarth, you're not a bad date" I told him.

"You're not too bad yourself" he said before attaching his lips to mine, and opening the door for me. I smiled and got in.


As soon as we got back to the house, I dashed up to my room, and thinking that maybe this show wasn't so bad after all, I just had to put up with all the other girls in the house. I plopped down on my bed with my pajama's on.

"You know, Kara was going to pick you as the winner for the last challenge. But I told her it would only be fair to pick someone else, so we decided, no winner, you know, since you one the last challenge. And I still can't believe you got her number!" Alex said from the door way, as I turned to look at him, he shook his head grinning, and walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kennadee's date outfit :

Thanks for reading! I love feedback, and thanks for your comments,to the people who did! = )