Sequel: Life After The Show
Status: Complete!

Fifteen Girls, One Rocker

One To Eleven

My eyes fluttered open, and I sat up in my bed. I looked over at the clock. 7:45 AM. I smiled and got ready.

An hour later, I was fresh and ready to go, I glanced at the clock once again, 8:50 AM. I made my way downstairs, and was surprised by Tara pulling me inside. "Sooo" she hinted.

"What?" I teased.

"I need to know every dirty detail of your date with Alex!" she squealed. I looked to my left, then to my right, making sure no cameras were around.

"Whoa, since when would you care? You don't even like Alex. There's no dirty details, just details" I told her.

"Well I care when it's one of the nicest girls in the house, and when Erica went out with him, she told me that he tried to get in her pants" she informed me.

"Tara, honey, I didn't need to know that" I told her.

"Ha, sorry. But seriously. How did it go?" she said jumping up and down.

"He's a really cool guy, we went and played mini-golf, I sucked and he showed me how" I blushed. She laughed.

"Did he kiss you?"

"Yes, but he's done that with every other girl in the house" I said scrunching up my nose.

"True, you know, I thought you said he was rude and obnoxious...?" she pointed out.

"Yeah, but when you get to know him, he's a pretty great guy" I told her, my face flushed.

"You're not actually falling in love with him... are you?" she asked.

"Uhm... no, of course not"

"Good, cause there's a one out of eleven chance you'll get him. Don't get your hopes high, I didn't" she said.

And that's when I came back down to earth. Sure Alex said I was one of his favorites, but with eleven girls in the house, I still didn't know. I'd believe it when there was 2 girls left, and one of those girls was me. Hopefully. But this was a reality show, and the reality was, I'd be going home in at least the Top 6.

Meep. Meep. Meep. Tara looked at me, grabbed my hand, and led me to the judging room.

"Hey there ladies, great challenge last night, and Kennadee, I had a great time with you on our date. Wow, only eleven girls left. One away from our top ten. As for the challenge, some of you must watch what you say, especially to my friends. Anyways, for your next challenge, it'd time to do some dirty work. You are going to walk dogs. I love animals, I have a dog of my own, Sebastian. He's almost like my own kid, and my favorite thing about being home. You're going to be split up into 2 groups of 5 or 6. One group will have an extra, take it as an advantage" he told us. The girls 'Awed' in sadness, and we went out to the front yard. Jack and Rian stood there holding many dogs.

"Okay, and the teams are... Tara, Erica, Kennadee, Heather, and Michelle, and the rest of you are another team" Jack read off the pink card in his hand. "First team to get all their dogs walked around the block the fastest, wins" he told us. Rian and Jack handed us the dogs. Our team each took two in our hands.


"And the... first team wins!" Alex announced. That was us. I hugged Tara and Erica, and when it came to Michelle and Heather, I shrugged and high- fived both of them. I dragged my tired self back to the judging room.
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Really short. Sorry. = / Thanks for reading! Please give me feedback!