The True Demon

The beginning and the end

“Hey Mark!” Shannon yelled to one of her best friends, Mark Halaway. “You’re going to track practice tonight, right?”
Mark looked back at her down the hallway and waited until she had gotten close to answer. “Of course I’m going! Why wouldn’t I? Are we still walking home with Andrew?”
“As far as I know!” she shrugged. He nodded to her before joining some of his other friends. Shannon sighed and looked around, to her it seemed like everyone in the school had a boyfriend/girlfriend except her. Even the lesbians and gays had a significant other, not that it mattered to her…. okay maybe it did. Was it because she wasn’t pretty enough, was she too smart, she was a major bookworm, maybe it was just everything…
She pulled out a mirror and checked her make-up before heading off to first period study hall where, hopefully, her other best friend, Andrew Thompson, would be. It would be even better if Andrew’s girlfriend, Katy, was absent and she wasn’t hanging off his arm like she usually was.
But when she walked in the room Katy was right there jabbering into Andrew’s ear with that annoyingly high-pitched voice of hers. How did Andrew stand it?

Mark walked away from Shannon feeling slightly bad, she didn’t have many friends and he felt guilty for just leaving her. As he joined his other friends he heard one of them ask him why he hung out with her. Turning towards the voice he noticed, to his dismay, that the speaker was Tommy Jenkins.
Tommy was the high school’s top jock who every guy envied and every girl wanted, with his girlfriend Lauren Haynes, lead cheerleader also called “The Bitchy Slut” who was a complete and total whore who would do anything to get to stay popular, or to get a good lay. They were the popular couple that everyone knew, and everyone wanted to be.
“Because she’s been one of my best friends since we were nine and in third grade. I’m not about to ditch her if that’s what you’re going to say next,” Mark replied defensively.
Shauna snorted in a way that said it all. Mark’s reasoning wasn’t good enough and they would never accept Shannon, even though they had never met her. In case Mark hadn’t already got it Tommy said, “Dude, if you want to hang out with us you can’t be seen with her. She’s a loser and that isn’t good for our image. Got it? It’s her or us. Who do you pick?”
Mark stared at him for a moment before walking up close enough that their noses were almost touching and punching him right in the face. He fell to the ground and Shauna uttered a shriek and knelt down beside him crying on Tommy’s face. “Fuck you.” Mark walked away with those being his last two words to them. A stunned silence was all that followed him.

“So Andy, I was thinking tonight we could go to the movies. The new one I want to see, you know, The Falls, the one about that girl and guy that fall in love at Niagara Falls, is out and would be perfect.” Katy jabbered into Andrew’s ear.
“Ugh,” Andrew thought, “I want her to shut up so much! She knows I hated being called Andy and romance movies and that I have track practice that evening and was planning to walk home with Mark and Shannon. If she wasn’t so smart I would dump her, but I need someone to do, I mean ‘help’, with my Calculus homework. So I have to keep her, and that annoying voice of hers.”
“Uh-Katy,” I said interrupting whatever she was saying, “I can’t go out tonight, I have track practice and then I’m going home with Mark and Shannon, and I’m don’t really want to see that movie. The only thing I want to see right now is World Killer the movie with Jack Hill playing a guy that gets transported to a demon world with those two kick ass girls and they have to destroy the vortex of monsters.”
She looked horrified and outraged. “How can you want to see that?” –Andrew felt sure that his eardrums started to bleed - “It looks icky and gross!”
“What looks icky and gross? You’re face?” Shannon said sitting down.
Katy started to pout and whined at Andrew to yell at his best friend for insulting her, but at that point Andrew was about to agree with Shannon.
“Babe, just chill out.” Andrew said to her. “Shannon didn’t mean anything by it, did you Shannon?”
Katy looked at her challenging her to say that she had meant it and Shannon looked like she was about to, but a pleading look from Andrew got her to look down and mutter that she hadn’t meant it.
Katy being satisfied she immediately started ‘helping’ Andrew with him homework.
As class started Andrew wanted nothing more than to dump Katy and ask out Shannon, who he had been in love with for four years. But he had convinced himself that she didn’t want a boyfriend, and most certainly not him.

Later that evening after a grueling track practice the three friends headed home. I saw them. I really did. They looked so happy. They wouldn’t be for long though, because soon, they’d meet me.
“Hey!” the girl said stopping. “Why don’t we cut through the park? It would be faster.” He he. Faster. Right.
They all agreed and they walked closer to me. I lowered my head and they almost passed right by me but with one quick spell one of the boys saw me. “Who are you?” he asked.
I looked up at him, allowing them all to see my wounds, which weren’t real in any way, shape, or form.
I gave a long moan and fell forward. “Oh God!” I heard one of the guys say. “Shannon call Nine-One-One. Mark Help me, we need to see if he’s breathing or not.” I felt the two guys pick me up and lay me on my back. I felt two fingers on my neck and a face near my nose while the girl talked frantically on the phone.
“He’s breathing and has a pulse.” The guy called out.
“Of course I’m breathing you ninnies. Did you honestly think that I’d want you to do mouth to mouth on me?” I remember saying in my head.
“The ambulance will be here in a couple minutes.” The girl said. I’d learn later that her name was Shannon, but that wasn’t until later in the evening. After I had gotten rid of the other two and it was just me and her. Alone.
I remember the sirens and seeing the bright lights through my eyelids.
I was taken to the hospital. Poking, prodding, rolling, from one test to another, then the dressing of my wounds and hooking me up an IV and then being left by myself. I opened my eyes and saw that I was by the window, which would save me a lot of trouble.
I took out the IV and took off that dumb hospital gown they had forced me into. I looked to see if there were any regular clothes. There weren’t so I opened the window and jumped out before the nurses realized that I was gone.
It was a longer fall than I had thought it would be. I thought I was on the fifth floor. Turns out I was on the sixth. Oh well, didn’t bother me.
I turned into my real form and crept into the night. I remember walking to Mark’s house; I didn’t fly because I wanted to enjoy the moment. A slight breeze blew through my waist length, silver hair and blew the smell of home cooking to me.
I heard a single cricket chirping as I walked up to his house. I scanned the place and located Mark’s room. He was sitting at his desk talking to Shauna. Don’t ask how I knew that but I found it interesting since he hates her too much. These days you’ll do anything to get a good sex partner.
I scaled the wall easily and looked through his window for a moment before forcing it open. He didn’t pay any attention to it; he was too engaged in his conversation. He was making this way too easy.

“Having a good convo?” I asked mildly as I climbed into his room.
“Uhhh…Yeah I am actually.” He eyes glued to the screen. Realization seemed to hit him and he looked at me. I must have been quite an interesting sight. I must explain who I am a bit at this moment.
I am a half vampire half demon. I have silver waist length hair as I already told you, the ears of a wolf, very sharp eyes, eyes and claws of a tiger, but and I am usually seen wearing an outfit close to Sesshomaru’s from Inuyasha, actually I was the inspiration for Sesshomaru. I’m pretty proud of myself for that.
Are you kidding me? You don’t know Sesshomaru? What is wrong with you? I’m three thousand years old and am still an avid anime watcher. Heck I’m the inspiration for some of them. You don’t watch anime? What is wrong with you? You live in the twenty first century for pity’s sake. You should watch the Japanese cartoons! The weirdos who are online nowadays.
And now back to my story. “Who are you?” He demanded jumping up and glaring. “And how’d you get in here?”
“I’m Sagie.”
“Saggy?” He asked.
I looked at him. “Sagie. S as in Seattle, A as in apple, and then guy. Got it?”
“Pronounced that way, but not spelled that way.” I said. How dumb could this guy get?
“How’s it spelled then?”
“S-A-G-I-E.” I said. “Can I get on with my introduction?”
“Oh yeah. Sure. Sorry. Go for it.”
“Thanks.” I said. “I’m Sagie the Demonic Vampire and I’m here for your soul. Do you want me to just kill you now quickly or do you want me to chase you around a bit before corning you and then chopping you into tiny pieces?”
“Why do you want my soul?” He asked. Geez. This kid was just trying to be stupid I swear.
“Because I need an offering to the gods.” I said. I didn’t really but that’s beside the point.
“NO!” I said slapping myself in head. Why did I come here first? “I’m just here to kill you! Understand?” He nodded. “Now how do you want to die?”
“Quickly and painlessly.” He said.
“Okay.” I said nodding. “ I can do that. Ready to die?”
“Umm…Can you hang on a second?” I stared. “Well I really need to tell Shauna here that I need to go. She’s really hot man and it would be rude to just die and not leave the conversation. She might get mad.”
“Fine.” I said. “Just don’t take too long.”
He gave me thumbs up, typed a couple words, and then said that he was ready to die. I struck him down with one hit and he fell to the floor, bleeding, but dead.
“Mwahahaha!” I said stepping on his dead bodies like they do in this century’s movies. I felt triumphant. Okay so I only killed a mere human. Big whoop, it’s not a big deal but I’m just really bored.
A knock sounded on the door. “Mark honey? Is there someone in there with you? You know I don’t want you having guests over this late.” Damn. It was his mother. How dare she ruin my moment!
I jumped out the window and heard her open the door and scream. Score. Now on to Andrew.

This time I just teleported to his place. It was like four houses down and that seemed like too long of a way to walk. I mean really, I’m a Demonic Vampire. You can’t expect me to just walk four houses down, that’s almost half a block. Way too far for me.
He was home alone. Excellent.
I walked in through the front door, just because I can and headed down the hall.
He was sitting in front of a television. Another genius here.
“HEY YOU WITH THE FACE!” I yelled. He looked at me and jumped a foot in the air.
“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” He screamed at me jumping back and pressing himself against the wall. His eyes were wide with fear.
“Who do you think?” I chuckled. This guy is was more fun.
“Umm…” He stared at me strongly. “Sesshomaru, Inuyasha’s brother!”
I clapped my hands, cutting myself along the way with my claw. “You’re a smart one, but no. I’m Sagie, the demonic vampire and I’m here for your soul!”
He looked alarmed. “You can’t have my soul!” He screamed. “It’s mine!”
I hope this guy wasn’t as possessive of his girlfriends as he was with his soul, that could be really dangerous and a bad influence.
“Can you just shut up?” I said. “I’m on a tight schedule here.”
He stared at me. I fed up with this. I raised my hand and in what seemed like slow motion he fell forward and hit the ground with a light thud. He was dead.
That took long enough. Now for the girl.

I teleported to her house and stopped short at the sight of it. This bitch was loaded! Her house was bigger than the last two combined.
I walked up the driveway and looked at the navy blue, Mustang Convertible that stood out side the garage. Any other day I would have gone for a joy ride but I had work to do now.
I scanned her house and found her in her room, sketching by the looks of it.
Jumping lightly I landed out side her window. She didn’t appear to hear. I slipped through the partly opened window and stood in the middle of the room.
“I suggest you get out of here.” She said without so much as looking in my direction.
“Oh? And why is that?” I asked. I expected her to tell me to get out, but not in the confident careful tone she had used. Did she know something I didn’t?
“Because if you don’t I will kill you.”
I burst out laughing. This girl thought she could kill me? Ha! She was stupider than I thought.
“You couldn’t kill me if you tried Sweetie.” I said.
She looked at me for the first time. Her eyes were like death. They seemed to pierce right through me. “I said to get out.” She said.
At that moment I wanted nothing more but I was rooted to the spot. I couldn’t move. With any other person I would find this extremely ironic and would laugh it off but not this time.
She slowly set her sketchbook down. She got off the bed and walked towards me.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
She peered deep into my eyes. “Killing you.” She poked me in the chest where my heart was and I felt pain beyond imagine. I fell slowly to the ground and I saw her drawing. It was of me being stabbed down by my sister. I looked at her face and all I saw was triumph on the face that had once been my childhood best friend. My sister. Shannon.
The last breath left my body and my heart stopped beating.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was feeling really random and it actually started out a lot longer but I decided I liked this ending better. Please let me know what you think of it!