Status: Complete.


Slept Through The Weekend

January 2006

I woke up in the morning with the feeling of two bodies pressed against me on either side. I was confused for a moment when I remembered that I had fallen asleep with Brendon and Pete in the bed.

Hesitantly I opened my eyes and almost jumped up in surprise by the close proximity of Brendon’s face to mine. I wanted to move away, but the lack of space made that impossible. I didn’t want to wake Pete or Brendon. I also had arms around me and I’m pretty sure one of them was Brendon’s.

I had a feeling that it would be a bit awkward when all of us were awake, especially since I’m pretty sure Brendon’s hand was resting on my ass. Pete’s hand had crept under my shirt and was resting on my stomach.

I reclosed my eyes in an attempt to go back asleep, but after what felt like half an hour it just wasn’t happening, and I was getting extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to move so badly. After five minutes I decided to just get up and not care who I woke up.

I started to sit up slowly until someone spoke.

“Where are you going?” It was Pete. I jumped and in my surprise accidentally knocked Pete and Brendon off of the bed. I sat there on the bed, trying to get my breathing back to normal as I listened to Pete and Brendon groaning.

Brendon sat up and I saw him rub his head.

“This is not how I wanted to wake up,” he groaned, and before I could stop myself I was laughing hysterically. I laid back on the bed, rolling around as I continued to laugh. My back started to ache and I couldn’t breathe, but this didn’t stop the laughter. A minute later and the laughing was dying down and I was regaining my breath.

“Are you good?” Pete asked. He was standing next to the bed looking down at me with a smile on his face. I giggled a bit and nodded my head. “Well, I’m glad that our pain provided your morning entertainment.”

“Are you okay?” I asked when I could finally speak.

“Yeah,” Pete said. “I was just a little surprised. I should have just stayed silent when you were getting up.”

“Yes, that would have been just wonderful if you had stayed silent,” Brendon said. He was standing up next to the other side of the bed. “By the way, sorry for kind of sleeping in your bed without asking if I could stay.”

He grinned at Pete.

“It’s fine, man,” he said. “But, uh, don’t think I didn’t notice your hand on my girlfriend’s ass this morning.”

Brendon’s eyes widened.

“I’m sorry,” he said. I honestly didn’t do it on purpose.”

Pete laughed.

“It’s fine,” he said. “I don’t blame you for wanting to feel how wonderful it is.”

“I’m sitting right here, you know,” I chimed in, earning another chuckle from Pete. I smiled.

“Well, I think I’m going to go my room and shower,” Brendon said. “You guys want to get some food in about an hour?”

“Yeah,” Pete said.

“Food would be wonderful,” I said at the same moment that my stomach growled. Brendon grinned.

“Great,” he said. “See you two in a bit.”

Brendon left the room and I looked up at Pete.

“Let’s shower together,” he said. “It saves water.”

He winked at me before helping me out of bed.

“We can shower together,” I said. “But at least be honest and don’t tell me it’s because you want to save water.”

“Fine,” Pete said. “I just want some naked time.”

“Naked time?” I questioned as we entered the bathroom. Pete turned on the water.

“Just get undressed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I couldn't help but notice that I have been writing this story for a little over a year! That's crazy.

So, in Microsoft Word, this story has 146 pages and 37,820 words. I can't believe I've written this much and that it's still going!

Anyways, hopefully I'll have things happening in this story soon :]

Comments are always appreciated!
