She Loves Me, He Hates Me

Emmy's Diary

August 15, 2009 11:37 pm

I can’t believe school starts tomorrow. Summer, at least to me, doesn’t seem over at all. This summer wasn’t the greatest but I managed. I would rather live it again then go back to school. I want to be able to stay up all night on the phone or at BG’s listening to a local band with my friends moshing around me like little kids who have ADHD. It’s nice to get back into routine and see my friends every day in the same general location.

As I’m thinking about it, I think what would have made my summer amazing besides going to a beach in California like my parental units promised, (which instead we stayed and went to the grand canyon instead. Can anyone say yawn?) I think I would have been happier with a boy. Not just anyone, but someone I really care about and they in return. I’ve always had bad luck with guys. My last boyfriend Will was a complete bust. All he wanted was to get into my pants and didn’t really care about going out on a date. My first boyfriend my freshmen year dumped me for Bridget Babel, which by the way is a complete slut! I don’t see what guys see why guys love her so much. So what if she has the three B’s (blonde, boobs, and butt) and I don’t. I mean I have decent breast I think. I’m a B going on a C pretty soon from the way things are looking, and I like my moose brown hair. I don’t have a butt but so what? I bet Bridget isn’t even a real blonde. Scratch that, I know she is.

I was in love with love as a kid. I think it’s because I watched too many chick flicks with my mother. I was in preschool when I had my first kiss. His name was Keenan and our moms where best friends. Though I was pretty sure he turned out to be gay or just really, really feminine. He always made me play with Ken while he was ballerina Barbie. After Keenan, I had a couple of kisses, but never a real boyfriend. It was sad and I had a lot of crushes like Johnny Peterson in the fifth grade. Oh, god I was so into him then. He was the tallest kid in our class and had the same passion for music like I did. He was perfect and I wanted him for myself.

I used to follow him around at recess. It didn’t really matter to him I guess because he befriended me pretty fast. We hung out at school all the time and it helped that we were in the same class together with Mrs. Fleming. She was middle aged and had the cutest children ever. But if you got on her bad side, you stayed there for a while. She was notorious for holding grudges.

You know, now that I’m thinking about it, I haven’t talked to Johnny in a very long time. Well, fifth grade to be more accurate about it was the last I really said a word to him. I wonder what he’s up to these days. Like it matters anyway. I think I scared him off forever, but I’m not blaming him, I was kind of a creepy kid. Any way, I should get to bed, school’s tomorrow and I’m kind of hoping to look decent for the first day. Beauty sleep I guess you could say. Good night journal.