She Loves Me, He Hates Me

Weekend Secrets

Johnny was walking down the hall for the last time on Friday The traffic in the hall seemed kind of slow today. Maybe it was because he really wanted Friday to be over and for Saturday to show its face early. Johnny replayed Donnelly’s class his head from that morning. Emmy was wearing a cute little Taking Back Sunday band shirt that had a cartoon bear with lightening bolts. He thought it matched the color of her eyes nicely. Emmy seemed focused today. Maybe it was because she was waiting for the weekend too. Johnny remembered her creepy little friend next to her in class. He had seen her before at BG’s for some of Abelard’s gigs, but he never really talked to her. She always seemed to be around though.

Johnny came to and looked at his blue locker with a loathing face as he tried to undo the lock. He finally got it opened and shoved his books into the cramped little space. He didn’t have homework yet in any of his classes, but it was hinted that Donnelly would have a pop quiz over something they read that day about some poem or something on the lines of that. Johnny wasn’t really paying attention to it much.

“Hey Johnny boy?” He turned to see Zach behind him with a goofy looking smile on his face. This was the international sign of ‘hey Johnny boy, I need you to do me a favor’ face. Last time Johnny saw this face, it had something to do with water balloons and white t-shirts. Johnny, in short, said no.

“If it’s one of your perverted jokes, count me out Zach.”

“No, not that extreme you sicko! I need a ride home.”

“Oh, sorry about that.”

“If I were you,” He said “I would have said no too.”

“Then why did you come up with that idea anyway?” Johnny turned from Zach and shrugged it off.

“Okay,” Johnny said. “I’ll make room for you in front.”

“Thanks dude, I owe you one.”

“No you don’t.”

“I know, I just like saying that.” That’s when Johnny remembered about what Abby’s note said about Zach being invited to her party the next day.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you something.” Johnny said.

“Who died?”

“No one you idiot. You want to go to this party tomorrow at Abby Davidson’s tomorrow night?” Zach paused for a moment, looking around the hall for something that seemed invisible to Johnny and everyone else in the hall.

“That sounds cool I guess.”

“You know you want to go really bad.”

“Dude, tone it down, I don’t want to seem lame right now. No guy freaks out about a party like that one.”

“Except you of course.”

“Shut up man.”

“Your secret’s safe with me dude.” Johnny said as he slapped Zach’s back as they walked towards the parking lot in the front of the school.

“Johnny boy, how do you put up with me?”

“I just do.”