She Loves Me, He Hates Me

Abby's Bedroom, Two Hours Before Party

“This looks pretty decent.” Emmy said to Abby whilst looking at a black long-sleeve shirt in front of her with a red heart broken in half on the cover.

“Honey, this is my party! You are not allowed to look depressing while at it.” Abby said as she pulled out a green sweater and threw it against the wall. “We live in the freaking desert and yet Grandma insist on making us sweaters each year for Christmas. Someone has got to tell that woman that we moved to the middle of the sun.” Abby muttered and Emmy laughed at her comment. It had been awhile since Emmy had been over and she wondered hoe she got through the summer without her partner in crime. ‘Oh yeah,’ she remembered in her mind. ‘Ben and Jerry’s and cable.’ she thought.

“Look at this one.” Emmy said as she pulled out a baggy black hoodie with a man being stabbed in the eye on the cover that hung in the closet. “Dark and depressing much?” Emmy said. Abby’s face turned into a frown as she looked at the disturbing article of clothing.

“Oh no, that’s Nick’s hoodie! I forgot to give it back to him that night at the. . .”

“Night of what dearest Abbikiens?”

“Nothing, I’m just saying. . .”

“Oh, come on, I know you better then that. Come, come, and tell me the details of this Nick flame of yours.” Emmy cooed as she walked away from the closet and jumped onto Abby’s plush full size bed.

“Okay, so in Cali, I totally met this skater guy who lived down the street from my Aunt Becky who you know we were visiting of course. Anyway, I met him down at the skate park a couple of blocks right?”

“Darling? What were you doing at a skate park?”

“I liked the view.”

“Oh, I see, scooping the Cali hotties. Okay, continue.”

“Well, nick was such a cutie pie, came up to me, and sat down on the bench next to me and just started talking to me. So I told him my story and he found out where Aunt Becky is. He totally was a complete gentleman and escorted me back to Becky’s house.”

“Oh! Jane Austin gent or date at mini golf over by Dexter street?”

“Austin all the way!” Both the girls screamed and jumped a little on top of the bed.

“Okay, tell me more.”

“So then, we hang out a bit more, and at a very romantic sunset on the beach. . .”

“No way!”

“I know! Nick looks into my eyes and says ‘This moment would be a waste if I don’t kiss you now.’ And you can totally guess what happened next of course.”

“How romantic! I am most jealous, I must say.”

“Any way, we walk back to his car, that’s when he gives me his hoodie to wrap myself in. We then, well. . .made out for a while in the back of his car.” Emmy shoves Abby over on the bed. Abby then throws herself on her back and lets out a huge sigh. Emmy joins her, lying next to her with her head close to some furry stuffed animal.

“So, how did it go leaving him behind?” Abby gives a pause, signaling a not so happy ending to her great summer fling.

“We gave each other our numbers and he kissed me for about an hour or so. He said that I was the best thing to happen in this town, not even kidding you. We said our good byes, I took his hoodie, and that was the end. Well almost the end. We texted for days on end. Nick is such a lost puppy without me. That’s until I heard his girlfriend in the background of a phone conversation!”

“No! Not Austin gent?”

“Yes, indeed I had a fling with a taken man. But I must say, it was worth it.”

“You dog!”

“Hey, I never have to see him again in my life, unlike his unlucky girlfriend. I’m glad I left when I did, and took a little souvenir.” Abby said as she traced the man on the hoddie with her index finger. “Oh well, tough! But I am the new Abby now, and I am open for a new man!” Both the girls giggled and went back to the closet to look for an outfit for the party. Emmy dove deep into the caverns of Abby’s walk in closet, but was unsuccessful in finding anything.

“ZOMG! I just find your outfit. Oh, you are going to love me.” Abby turned around to show Emmy the deep purple top that looked like crushed velvet with lacey edges and tight waist that would surely show off Emmy’s natural curves. She also had a pair of skinny jeans and black sandals to ear with it also.

“I freaking love you Abby! You are like my new goddesses divine!” Emmy said as she reached out to feel the velvety top with soft lace.

“You are most welcome Emmykiens love. I forgot I even had this.”

“How could you?”

“You know my memory.”

“True.” Emmy said as she grabbed the clothes and set them on the bed to further admire her friends choose in apparel.

“So, any summer romances for you?” Abby asked as she went through her closet to find her own outfit for the night.

“No. I didn’t find any epic love at the Grand old Canyon. The closet thing I had to a boyfriend was all the Dr. Pepper I drank religiously on the whole trip.” Emmy sighed and started to undress and put on the new found glory from Abby’s closet of wonders.

“I’m sorry sweetheart. But I’m guessing there must be someone out there that you like.”

“Yes, and his name is Val Kilmer.”

“I’m talking about a real guy that you like within distance of you.” Emmy remained quiet as she pulled the shirt over her head. It fit like silk and flowed well with her curves. She tried to think of someone that she liked, but all she could muster up was the image of Johnny Peterson in her mind.

“There might be a guy at school I may like.” Emmy said which drew Abby out of the closet to stare over at Emmy who was now taking off her basketball shorts to switch into the skinny jeans.

“You must tell me! Maybe I know who it is.” Abby said as she went to go sit on the bed. “You have to tell me right now.”

“Okay, but don’t laugh alright?”

“Deal.” Abby said, making the sign of the cross over herself even though she wasn’t Catholic.

“Johnny Peterson.” Emmy said lightly with her eyes closed as if conjuring him with her thoughts.

“No way!”

“What? You like him or something?”

“No, no!” Abby spat out. “but that is so. . .adorable!” she said.

“Really?” Emmy whispered

“But you know what the best part is? He’s coming here tonight.”

“What!?!” Emmy shouted at Abby. Her face started to get redder. “How do you know him?”

“BG’s, over the summer I saw one of his bands shows and met him afterwards. He’s a wicked drummer if I might say.”

“He’s in a band? And a Drummer?”

“I know right!” Both girls squealed and screamed. “I’m totally going to hook you guys up tonight!”

“Abby no!” Emmy said with complete urgency. “I want it to happen by itself, okay?”

Abby didn’t like the idea of that. She loved playing matchmaker in other people’s lives, but this was her best friend. She couldn’t say no to her.

“Okay, but seriously, what are the odds of that?”

“I have no idea, but I’m so glad you are my best friend.” Emmy said as she hugged Abby.

“Good, but girl we need to get to working on ourselves. Time is almost up and I have to make you look pretty!”

“Aren’t I pretty already?”

“Yes, but a little purple eye shadow never hurt anyone.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is kind of long but I hope that you have enjoyed this story so far. All comments are well loved!

much love