She Loves Me, He Hates Me

Jackie's New Love Interest

Jackie walked into Mrs. Donnelly’s junior English class and looked around for a friend to sit by. As she scanned the room she saw a couple of familiar faces from all the years spent at the school district. She saw some football players showing off their muscles from summer training, and cheerleaders gossiping in the corners while popping gum and applying make-up. It felt nice to Jackie, to be in a place where everyone knew everyone. It felt like home to her.

Jackie noticed that Johnny Peterson was in her class. Oh, how she wished to be near him so badly. Her crush on Johnny started when one night she saw his band play at BG’s over the summer. She saw him sweating in the back with the drum set and wanted to just smother him in sweet kisses. She knew she was over Ryan, now that she found Johnny.

Ryan was her life for so long. She watched him everyday of sophomore year since they had five out of six classes together. He was interesting, shy, nerdy, but she didn’t care. She wanted to be with him forever. Around Valentines Day that year, she gave him a card in algebra 2 and watched him read it. She wanted him to sweep her off her feet and kiss her boldly in front of the class. Instead, by the end of the day, he wrote her a note back saying he doesn’t date. Jackie was crushed. For the next week she walked the halls as if she were a zombie. How could I get rejected? She asked herself that a lot in those days. But Jackie didn’t want to think about that now. Now she wanted to think of nothing else but of Johnny.

She took a quick glance at him, then walked over to a seat next to the window in the back. She stared at the grass outside that must have taken a lot of energy away from the grounds keeper. They lived in the desert for crying out loud. The bell rang and students filed into the classroom and took seats next to friends and talked about their summers. Jackie didn’t really know anyone in the class until about ten minutes later, Emmy Parish walked into the room. She was stunning with her just above the knee, white summer dress with a light green button up sweater hanging loosely on the frame of her body. Jackie envied Emmy’s beauty sometimes, but Emmy always hides herself in clothes so she never worried too much. But today, she wasn’t hiding behind baggy clothes and long brown hair. Emmy had cut her hair to a little above her shoulders and covered it was layers. It really brought out her eyes as well. She was gorgeous and no one could appose that today.

Jackie called Emmy over to where she was sitting after Emmy explained why she was late. It was something about a car not starting, but Jackie was too enticed by her beauty that she didn’t notice. Emmy sat next to Jackie and an exchange of heys and hellos were said. That’s when she noticed Johnny looking over in their direction. Jackie thought he was looking straight at her. But how could she know that he was looking at the new Emmy in the chair next to hers?