She Loves Me, He Hates Me

A Letter To Al

Hey Al,

Just got your letter from last week finally and I must say bro, your life sucks. I hope that you and Liz make up soon. Mom says that she’ll get over it. Newly weds fight all the time. They aren’t used to each other. See how mom likes to write though me? Sorry, she wants to know that she loves you and what not.

School started today and it wasn’t all that bad. Guess who got stuck with Ervin for Bio? You were right, she can’t talk without someone falling asleep. My friend Abby just invited me to a party for this Saturday. I don’t know if I rally want to go or not, but I think I will. I don’t think you know about Abby yet do you? I met her at one of the gigs Abelard’s Secret had at BG’s over the summer. She seems pretty nice and all, but I think we’ll end up just being friends.

Sebastian just wrote another song and Jimmy and I are trying to write the music around it. It’s kind of slow, but into about the tenth measure, things start to pick up. Lance wants a sweet riff, but Seb is still kind of cautious about it since last time he did. He went a little crazy and end up kicking the amp over and killing the song. Feed back totally sucks! Once we finish the song, I’ll send you a copy of the music so you can totally frame it because you totally know your little brother is going to be a famous drummer.

Got to go Al, mom is calling for dinner, oh and she sends you her love and what not. I have homework on the first day and got to finish that before mom has a cow. Talk to you later Al. Oh, and thanks to you, we have long distance calling. Why did you have to move to Vancouver?

Text Later,
