Status: In need of feedback: See "Well, hello there" (can't believe it's been 2 years)

Shy Girls Eat Words

What's Gonna Happen to This Story Now?

Hey everybody,

I am not going to be continuing this story. [insert aw here] The good news is that this story will be continued. [insert huh here] I have given this story away to another author. She has decided to rework the first few chapters so I will put up the link here when it's all set and ready.
There were a lot of reasons I decided to give this story away. For one, I have a million other ideas I've been working on. Two, there was just no more spark with this story. I have to be in love with a story to work on it. This story ended up falling through the cracks since I was mainly focused on Love? Please and Rubber Duckies. I knew that this story had a good basis so I didn't just want to throw it away. I remembered an author of another story I had been reading gave her story, so I decided that was the best choice faced with this situation.

Don't all hate me though. It's not like I'm giving up on writing forever. I'm still working with He Talks Like a Pirate and Loves Rubber Duckies. So, if you haven't been reading that, maybe you want to jump in. It's got the biggest following I've ever had on a story which is exciting.
I've also started two new stories. With these I've been exploring deeper emotions. It's been kind of an interesting experience since one topic I know nothing about, and the other I've had personal encounters with.
The first is Lessons for Skyler. It's about a girl who gets pregnant through a one night stand and ends up writing letters to her unborn child, Skyler. It's going to be a crazy one to write, and I'm going to be doing a lot of research. Fingers crossed. :)
The second is Eat Too Much to Die, Not Enough to Stay Alive. It's about a girl who becomes anorexic after being bullied at school. This is probably going to be one of the most emotional and personal stories I've ever written. I'm interested to see where it goes because this is the first time in a long time I'll be writing without a plot.

So, I'm not dead in the writing world. I'm just handing this project off. Don't worry because I made sure that this writer was up to my beta grading standards. I'm sure what she does with this story will be good. I love you all who subscribed. Sorry I didn't finish this, but if you're a writer, you probably understand. Love you guys.

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Happy New Years!