Take Me Instead

Chapter 1

Normally I wouldn't notice the electric fan creaking above me. However, as I lie flat down on my bed, the sound clouded over my thoughts. I sighed and got up, fumbled my way for the switch and flipped the lights on.

The first thing I noticed was the bunch of newspaper clipping on the table. Headlines like: “NEW VIRUS GOING GLOBAL”, “QUARANTINE COMPULSORY”, “DEATH TOLL RISE UP, NEW VIRUS MASS MURDERED” screamed up at me. I averted my eyes and sank into my thoughts.

I remembered the time when we were allowed to play outside at the park. The time where we went crazy just like little kids over a badminton match, the time where we could leap and jump on the way home from school, the time where all of us were allowed to talk to each other.

We were normal; our world was, until the terrible time, until God has decided to exact His anger upon Mother Earth.

A sound jolted me from my thoughts. I opened the door and tip toed into Mother’s room.


“Honey, could you help me…?” Mother struggled to get up from her bed, her weak hands flailing about. I dash over quickly and supported her; I was surprised to feel that her temperature was nearly normal. But her cheeks were still flushed and her eyes were bloodshot.

“Mom? Your fever is gone. Have you taken your temperature?”

“W-what? Oh, I haven’t done so; I need to use the bathroom first. Thanks.” She went in the bathroom and closed the door.

I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes, sinking into my thoughts again.

Then the new virus started spreading across the world, killing hundreds, thousands, millions of people. Once you got it, your time is up after seven days. I thought we were safe, until he went away.

He was my classmate, my best friend. We were inseparable, yet we were not a couple. When the news got to our country, I was the first one to share it with him, but he dismissed it and laughed it off.

“Oh come on Brooke, surely you don’t believe that? I mean, it’ll go away, it always does, like the time with SARS and the whatever.”

“Well, if it’s serious enough to make the headlines, don’t you think we should stay away from the quarry? I mean, that’s not exactly the best place to go to during these times.”

He had waved my worries off. “It’s just a quarry, look, if it’s THAT serious, how come no one in our school has got it yet?”

When I didn’t answer, he just punched my shoulder lightly. “Brooke, we have to go there, you know it. It’s like, a tradition, for us.”

I hesitated for a while, true; there won’t be any problem, will it?

I was wrong. I should have insisted. Tears started rolling down my face, if I had stopped him, maybe, maybe he might still be here. Maybe…


I started and saw that Mother was staring at me, concern etched upon her face.

“What’s wrong?”

I hastily wiped my tears away and said, “Nothing, just thinking about Michael.”

Mother’s face fell and for a moment a shadow seemed to cross her face. Then she just patted my shoulder and shuffled back to bed. I kissed her goodnight and slipped back into my room.

On my bed, the memory started replaying itself.

“Man, this is so cool! Look at the view!” Michael jumped up and down, unable to keep in his excitement. I smiled and just chose a place to sit down.

“Tell me why again I agreed to this?”

“I know why,” Michael waggled his finger playfully while still leaping about. “That’s because you yourself wanted to come here too!”

I rolled my eyes and tried to tackle him, but he dodged away, getting nearer and nearer to the edge.

“Mike, look out!”

He turned but it was too late, he tittered on the edge for a moment before disappearing into the dark murky waters.

“MIKE!!” I howled.

I gave a gasp and squeezed my eyes shut, but like a movie started in your head, it just keeps on coming.

He managed to pull himself out before I could run and get help.

“I-i-t’s f-f-freezing c-c-c-c-old there.” He chattered. I ripped off my jacket and wrapped it around him. He shook and shivered while I half carried him back to his house. I offered to accompany him in but he just declined and went in before I could say goodbye.

The next day, he didn’t show up at school.

I tried to call him but his mother said that he was too sick to come to the phone. A nagging thought was at the back of my head but I had shoved it away. Even so, I couldn’t help thinking, is he down with the virus?

A few days went by and still no news of him. The hospital confirmed that he had contracted the disease and the health ministry placed the whole school under quarantine.

Guilt wracked through my body when I heard the news. I tried calling him again but his mother refused to let me talk to him.

“Go away you demon! If it’s not for your so called tradition Mike wouldn’t have been like this!” With that she slammed down the phone and I found myself staring at the phone for the next hour, willing it to ring and hoping that it was Michael.

Later at night, I was crying myself to sleep, ignoring the tears that were soaking my pillows. I just kept on sobbing, until something strange happened.

I felt a slight drop in the temperature in the room and pulled my covers up.

The next thing I knew, he was in my room. He, Michael.

I thought I just had a heart attack. He was just standing there, an expression of utter sadness on his face.

“What the…”

“Hi, Brooke.” His voice echoed around my chilly room.

“Michael, wha-what’s happening? How come…? Are you cured?”

He just shook his head sadly and in an instant I knew.

“You didn’t make it, did you?” I asked quietly.

“No, I was supposed to depart an hour ago, but I didn’t. I couldn’t bear to go.” He whispered.

I just started crying all over again. I tried to reach and touched him but my hand just went through thin air.

“Mike, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” I blubbered. He sat down and placed his finger on my lips. I fell silent instantly.

“It’s not your fault. I was the one who insisted, remember? Besides, let’s make use of the time and just talk, while I’m still here.”

So we did. We talked like we have never seen each other for years. It seems very bizarre, talking to a… ghost that was my best friend.

All too soon, the time has come. I pleaded at him to stay, but he firmly said:

“I have to go, it’s time. I’ve done what I meant to do. Now, promise me one thing Brooke, okay?”

“Anything.” I said. I wanted him to stay; I wanted him to be here with me. I had lost him once and I was going to lose him again. I noticed a black figure standing behind him, and couldn’t help but reached out and tried to grab Michael’s hand.

He saw it and just ignored it.

“Promise me, that you’ll continue living. This plague will pass, and you will be living normally again.”

“It wouldn’t be normal without you.”

“Promise me, please. Promise me that you’ll be happy and make full use of your life. Appreciate it,” I could have sworn his voice trembled for a moment. “I never had a chance to live it fully, but you had.”
I found myself saying, “I will. I promise.”
He nodded and smiled, before following the figure through the wall. The last thing I heard was, “Goodbye, Brooke.”

I opened my eyes again to find the waterworks was overflowing. No matter what he said, I found the idea of trying to be normal again impossible. Every day the death toll kept on rising, people were afraid, afraid that they might be next.

No one was safe, and doctors are baffled as they tried to find a cure for the virus. I sat down heavily and look around. I’ve been quarantine for 2 weeks already. Mother was the one who went to get the groceries until she came down with a fever few days ago.

She refused to go and see a doctor, and I knew why. Those who were diagnosed with the disease have to go to the hospital; government said it was to cure them. I knew better, it was a desperate measure for them to take, to hope that by doing so they can prevent the spread of the disease.

Liz didn’t make it too a few days ago, and soon Takuya followed. Some of my schoolmates also came down with the virus. How many of us have to go before it’ll stop?

I heard another sound coming from Mother’s room and went inside to check on her. What I found nearly gave me another heart attack.

A black hooded figure was leaning towards her; it was that same thing that had showed up in my room the other day with Michael.


The figure turned towards me, a chill swept over the room, just like how when Michael visited me.

“What do you want?” I tried to keep my voice steady.

The figure said nothing, but just gestured towards Mother. Without another word, it turned back towards her. I sprinted across the room and pulled Mother away.

“Leave her!” I yelled. Mother groaned but did not wake up from her sleep.

The figure seemed surprised that I had dared to snatch away its victim.

To my utter astonishment, it began to speak. Its dry voice caused me to reeled back in fright.

“Child, do you know who am I?”

I tried to keep my voice steady. “Death.”

“Correct. Her time is up; it is time for her to leave.”

“Not her, please, not her!” I pleaded, anguish tore at my heart. Not Mother, she’s the only one I have left.

“You know it is not up to me to decide… Now step aside.”

I refused to comply and instead placed myself in front of Mother.

“What are you doing?”

“You want a life, isn’t it? You took so many lives already, you had taken Michael’s, and you took my dad’s many years ago. And now you have taken those who came down with the virus! What else do you want?!” I screamed, nearly in hysterics.

My fists were balled up and I wanted to hurl myself at it, to hurt it, to make it feel how it’s like to lose your loved ones.

“She will be the last.”


“The plague will pass, she will be the last victim. After that, there will be no more deaths from it.” The figure raised a wrinkled hand. I felt myself paralyzed. It then shoved me aside.

“No! Wait!” I yelled desperately.

If it has eyes, it would have rolled them. It gave a sigh and turned towards me again.

A lump was in my throat, I know by doing so, I would be breaking my promise. But Mother deserves a good life, she needs it. And I, I already lost the man I loved; I have nothing to live for.

Tears started to form in my eyes again, but I cleared my throat and steeled myself.

“Spare her, take me instead.” I sobbed.

Death froze; it raised its hooded head up a little bit.

“You would willingly sacrifice for her?”

“Yes. Please, leave her. Take me, so that I can see Mike again.”

Death seemed to be deciding, the seconds passed, and it was like forever before it spoke again.

“Very well, it is done.”
A cold feeling started to creep up my hands, I knew; I was dying. I saw a pen and grabbed it. I turned to the wall.

Mother, I love you. This is the best I can do, live properly. Take care.

Soon, I felt so weak that I just slumped against the wall. I expected to see Death gloating over there, but instead familiar figures were there.

Dad, Liz, Takuya, Vic, and oh! Michael, smiling serenely, his hand reaching out and embracing me, when the peaceful white light started to cover me up…
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I'm not sure whether you all would actually CRY, but I tried my best so yeah...