You've Got That Kiss of Death


The soft song filled the car blocking out the rain beating on the windows. Confusion passed her pale face while tears were breaking out in her starry eyes. Her eyes screamed betrayal, perplexity, and hate. But as much as she wanted, needed, to hate him was impossible. All her surroundings reminded her of him, his deceitful lies, and his dishonest eyes.

Wiping her tears dry she reached over to grab her black bag before stepping into the rainy new york weather. A soft smile crossed her face as she walked by pedestrians and into the tiny cafe.

It was the place where she could think and write about anything. Interesting people always passed by giving her inspirations to write, more and more. She loved rainy days, when she could sit by the window with her laptop in front of her containing a journal of her thoughts. The way the rain dripped down the window sill inspired her.

Ordering a coffee she opened her mac opening a new text file. A sigh escaped her lips as she pressed the ceramic cup to her mouth. The hot liquid slid down her throat, a warm shudder taking over.

The past month was a blur, a story of romance, heartbreak, confusion, and conflict. Her strong relationship with her brother was quickly and easily broken down into nothing. She made new friends only to be stabbed and lied to by them. And the worst of all, she went to follow her dreams only to be shut down completely.

A familiar tinkling caused her to look up at the door obnoxiously banging against the chimes. She groaned silently looking at the four boys standing there. Needless to say they stood out, their jeans clinging tightly to their skin, and shirts hanging down too low. This didn't need to happen, not now. These were the boys who ruined her life, who turned her life upside down slowly and painfully.

She tried her best to be unnoticed, hanging her head low, hiding behind the screen of her Apple macbook. The attempt failed as they made their way over with their hands in their pockets.

"Hello," His voice was like a southern accent lazily spoken. As his eyes looked into hers she was again amazed by the beauty of his green eyes. His hair was lazily tossed around and stayed a light brown. He had a soft, caring smile playing on his face as he sat down across from her, leaving the other boys awkwardly standing.

"What do you want O'Callaghan?" She stated impatiently slapping the screen down and nodding at the other boys. One had fiery red hair, brown roots showing, and a gloomy face as he stared at the rainy weather. The other was looking at me with a sympathetic smile which I returned. And lastly my brother, an annoyed look on his face, his blonde hair messy.

"We need to talk." He simply replied with a calm voice. As much as he called her, she would never pick up, instead pressing the power button and throwing it into her dresser. He couldn't stress enough his regret for what he did. She looked at him expectedly finally giving him a shot. After all, if he came all the way to New York to talk to her, he must have something important to say.

"I'm sorry. I love you, and I always have. It's just that, when it all started out I didn't think I was going to end up meeting a girl like you. I wasn't expecting that. But Sian, really, you are everything to me. I'm so sorry for what I did. It wasn't right." His eyes itself could have told her his emotions.

"So why did you do it?" She harshly replied. As much as that touched her, she couldn't, and shouldn't be forgiving him so fast, and giving him another try. He had a reputation of a heart breaker, and she knew it.

"I don't know, I guess I didn't want to feel like, I didn't want them to think I was stupid. When Garrett picked you I knew it was a bad idea, and I liked you at the time. But I did it anyway. But when I got to know you better I fell in love with you. And I know you did too, and I can see you're over me, but I just wanted you to know, I love you." His softly announced.

She was stunned by his speech, she wasn't over him, and she loved him. She was scared of opening herself out to anyone, because of him, she was afraid to find true love because of this boy. Her brain was screaming at her to do the right thing, but like before her heart took over as she leaned across the tiny metal table attaching her lips to his. He smiled into the kiss cupping her face in his hands. As they pulled apart their eyes never left each others. The truth slowly settled in, Sian Richards and John O'Callaghan were meant to be together.
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So what do you guys think? Once again, first time in third person point of view.
A little mystery doesn't hurt anyone.
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