Close Up

Close Up

Close encounters are usually dangerous, life threatning, scary. These frightning experiences go hand in hand with near death, However, mine, was a little different, abnormal. it didn't fit the strange eyrie feelings and sense of being so scared that i wanted to leave this location running, waving my arms above my head, screaming at the top of my voice like a headless chicken. I didn't want to leave, i wanted to stay in the clearing with the moonlight shining down on his face. i wanted never to leave and be away from that god-like figure that stood infront of me. He'd never spoken, never moved. There was no wind, no rain, in the distance, birds chirped now and again but really there wasn't much sound. Just the moonlight, him and me. We were standing in the centre of a clearing in the woods. A circle of grass surrounded by thick forest trees in a perfect round shape. The night was calm and cool but not cold. This figure that stood only feet away from me didn't look real, he was too graceful, flawless, but in all honesty what else could he be? Of course he was real. Mythical beings didn't exsist, magical stories are old wives tales and books don't just suddenly become real. But he did, he looked like something out of a book. Complete fiction. Any other person probably would of frozen still and stopped breathing had they been approached by this figure, so perfect, so beautiful.
He caught my attention as soon as he'd appeared between the trees across the clearing from me. I was standing across the circle leaning on one of the tall fir trees. He noticed me and walked gracefully across the grass to the middle where the moonlight was casting a small beam of white light through the darkness. I really had no idea who he was, i'd never seen him before, i should of been scared. Normally when people are approached by strangers their instinct will tell them something's wrong and to stay away. Warn you that the enviroment you're in isn't a safe one. That didn't happen to me in this case. Adrenaline took over and my veins filled with excitement. Without thinking, i walked from the unknown safety of the trees into possible danger i had no idea even exsisted. I walked across the grass clearing towards the perfect figure. I stopped myself only feet away from him, i really didn't know what could happen here. I didn't want to go too close. As i got closer i could see his face was full of frustration, he was watching my every move, watching me so closely i felt a little scared for the first time since i'd seen him. The baby hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end, tall like the changing of the guards at buckingham palace. As scared as i was i wasn't afriad of him, he amazed me. His stare made me want to look away, cringe. Yet his perfect face kept me watching in wonder, studying his skin which looked pure white in the moon's light, looking deep into his dark mysetrious eyes. I wanted to touch him. It might help me believe he was really here. I'd never seen someone so perfect. It was love at first sight, and he hadn't said a word. Taking a step forward i moved my arm at the same time as his eyes flashed away from mine and his hand grabbed my wrist gently. I couldn't read his expression anymore. It was too complicated. I wanted to look down at my wrist, pull my hand free. However, i couldn't look away from his face, a mix of passion and pain, like someone dying for someone they loved and seeing them for the last time. I looked away from him, down at my hand pulling it gently from his light grip, letting it relax at my side again.
Once more he made eye contact with me, i didn't look away either. I never believed in love at first sight, come to think of it, I wasn't entirely sure what love was. I'd been in and out of relationships all my life and now looking into this strangers eyes i could see myself with him. Forever maybe. The thought made me smile, i was brought back to the present when his fingers twisted in mine. We watched eachother but said nothing, we just stood there, motionless. Time went on around us, the night grew darker, but between us. Time had stopped. Completely.
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I wrote this as a Standard Grade english practice writing paper, i honestly have no idea where i was going with it. To be honest with you i still don't. Also when i wrote it i was going through a Twilight phase however the characters are NOT Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan.