Status: On hiatus until "Love and Werewolves" is finished.

Well That Just Sucks.

Chapter one moving

Chapter One

I stomp my way onto the plane to California, where I will make a fresh start in my life. At least, that’s what my social worker George says. Like he knows anything about California.
Or my life for that matter.

I’m really, really pissed off right now because my new "Father"(so called) is making me go to an all boys boarding school.

Really, who does that? I'll probably end up getting raped or something. Not that he would care…

I sigh as I take my seat in first class.

“At least I don’t have to fly in coach,” I grumble to myself, until I remember this is the school’s private jet.

“Now I have to sit with 400 boys for 6 hours. That’s just great,” I think sarcastically.
Feeling someone else’s eyes on me, I turn my head to see an utterly gorgeous Emo boy coming towards me.

Hmm. Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought.
I quickly changed my mind when he growled,"Move it, bitch."
I look up at him, slightly startled.

“W-what do you mean? It says seat 25-G on this. I think you’re in the wrong row,” I say flashing him my ticket.

“I don’t give a flyin’ fuck what it says. I'm sitting here,” he says, now furious.

“What’s your problem!?” I yell, starting to get angry.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the beautiful summer sky change to stormy weather as the wind violently rocks the plane. The other passengers start to get nervous as baggage starts to fall from the open overhead compartments.

I take deep breaths, trying to control my temper, “Annabelle! Calm down! Do you want everyone to know that you’re a freak?!” I yell at myself.

I cringe at the thought. The boy grumbles and moves on as the oncoming traffic shoves him down the aisle.

The whole plane seems to be relieved as the wind calms down, along with my nerves.
I mentally kick myself.

Like I need anything to make me seem weirder then I already am.

An even hotter boy steps onto the plane and I catch myself before I start to drool. He glares at me when he catches me checking him out. I shudder and make myself as small as possible. It’s like he gives off a vibe of just…I don’t know the word for it. Pure unadulterated evil, maybe?

I shudder again when he walks by me.

I look around and see almost everyone else on the plane gawking at me, like I’m some sort of new toy.

“This is gonna be a really fun plane ride,” I mutter to myself.