Status: On hiatus until "Love and Werewolves" is finished.

Well That Just Sucks.

Chapter Eight

finally get to the cafeteria and get in line to get food. I buy an apple and chocolate milk and look for somewhere to sit.

I see an empty table and rush over to it.

I sit down and try to enjoy my meal.

Until Damion walks over, with a whole bunch of his homo friends.

“Hey babe” he says sliding into the chair next to me “I really enjoyed the little show earlier.”
“Me and the boys were wondering if the would be an evening show.”

I snort.

“You know it babe.”

“Pervert” I mutter.

He starts sliding his hand up my shirt.

I slap it away and jump up.

“You know what? Enjoy this show!” I yell and pour my chocolate milk over his head before walking away.

“Feisty I like it” he says while I was still in hearing range.

I roll my eyes and listen to my mp3 player.

As I listen to teenagers by my chemical romance I begin humming along until I'm cut off by someone pulling my headphones out of my ears I look up and see the kid is the boy who basically told me to can it last night.

Omg I just notice that it’s Kyle.

“What the hell do you want” I yell.

“Do you ever stop singing’ he asks in a bored tone.

“Maybe I like singing” I reply.

“Yeah well I don’t” he says in the same bored voice.
“And this concerns me how?” I say trying to be a smartass

“It concerns me because I always have to here your fugly voice” he replies.

“Whatever just go away and leave me alone” I say with a dismissive wave of my hand.

“Nah I think I'll stay right here” he says.

“Whatever sees ya” I say and begin to walk back to the cafeteria.

“Wait” he says grabbing my shoulder.

“Yah” I say beginning to get pissed off.

“Well I was sort of wondering if you maybe wanted to go out...with 7.”

I look at him confused man this guy is bipolar. But he is hot.

“Well um sure” I answer.

“Alright cool so I'll see you at seven?”

“Yeah I'll see you at seven” I say and wink before heading back to the cafeteria.