Pokémon Moon.

This is ours now.

Ash was still looking at his map. His bag was totally unprotected. I looked at Dratini, she grinned. I nodded. We are going to take this gym badge and we are going to feel special and appreciated. The plan was simple. Dratini would distract Ash by play fighting with Pikachu. Pikachu would fake being hurt and would need attention. Thats when I'll use Shadow Sneak and get into his bag.

"Ready?" I asked the yellow mouse and the blue snake like pokémon. They nodded. I moved over behind the bench just as Dratini let out a war scream and attacked Pikachu. Not actually hitting him, just making it sound like so. Ash looked up, his eyes widened. He rushed over.

Pikachu and Dratini were going at it, not actually touching one another but using attacks all the same. And as neither of the pokémon liked being inside a capsule all Ash could do was shout, scream and beg for them to stop. They didn't.

I was so close to the bag I could feel droplets of sweat forming on my forehead. Quickly, I used Shadow Sneak attack and vanished, before reappearing inside the trainers bag. The silver rectangle was right in front of me. I gripped it in my mouth and used Shadow Sneak again. This time reappearing at the bottom of the pond. Dratini & Pikachu were just about to stop fighting.

Their timing was perfect as Ash took Pikachu, and went back to sitting at the bench and reading his map. I grinned as Dratini swam down to the bottom of the pond with me. Quick as I could, I snapped open the rectangle box and stared at the newest badge. Dratini wrapped it up in her tail quickly before we re emerged from the water. I handed over the case to Ash innocently. Rapidly he checked to see if all the gym badges were there.

Then he saw Dratini's tail.
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Dedication: To our subscriber, and our readers :)

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Love Dee x