Moonbeams Don't Make You Sparkle

Twilight twist with more interesting goodness that actually could never happen, but hey, that's why it's called a fan FICTION, right? Anyway, if you start disliking my story, hey give it a chance. You might end up liking the out come. You never know what's going to happen. And I'm an anime fan. I know ALL about plot twists and "Didn't see THAT coming! What?! No way!". So give my little story a chance. You might surprise yourself by liking it....
  1. New In Town
    The Cullens and "friends" meet the newest members of the Forks community.
  2. Which Witch is Which?
    Explaination chapter, yay! You get to find out vital information about Luna and Frank that sets them apart from other witches.
  3. Which Witch is Which? (Part 2)
    More just basic information about Luna and Frank. More importantly, the differences between witches and Soul Witches.
  4. "I don't DO the whole partner thing."
    A little emotional part. Cliched girl time between Bella and Luna.
  5. The Cliche of Being a Teenager
    Obviously, this chapter deals with some teen clichedness such as sleep overs, oh, was that a spoiler?! You'll have to read to find out....
  6. One, Not Two
    Oh, this could only be fun, heh. Of course, if you didn't get what's going to happen, then you didn't get it and my context clues weren't good enough....
  7. "There's something weird about those two."
    As our oh so cliched scene continues, obviously, some things are revealed about the way Luna and Frank act.
  8. Instict says the Timeline will Bloom into something Grim
    Oh, mystical readings from the mystical magical....upside down bowl! ....Eheh!
  9. Filler
    Luna and Frank don't sleep. This is what happens when everyone thinks they're asleep.
  10. Spicy Marmalade
    Hm, intriguing little close encounter with the vampiric kind.
  11. "Worf!" goes the Wolf
    Hey, hey, guess who they meet in this chapter! Oh, oh! Pick me! I know! I know!
  12. Salem (Part 1)
    Hm.... What could Salem possibly have to do with Twin Soul WITCHES that happens to be valuable enough for a chapter title? Yeah, if you wanna know, you gotta read.
  13. Salem (Part 2)
    Hm, continuation..... Ooh....
  14. Stormy Skies
    Dramatic name for a title, no? Well, it is kind of vague, yes? But storms are fun, yes? Heh, you'll see, no?
  15. Crazy Random Happenstance Of The Funk
    Hm. What the heck kind of a title is that? And what could it possibly mean is going to happen this chapter? Hey, you have to read to know these things.
  16. It Just Rains
    Rain? In Forks? Of course not! That was sarcasm....
  17. Poetic
    Usually a title like this means that the chapter will be all deep and philosophical.... Usually. But you know the drill: You wanna know, you gotta read.
  18. Sarcasm
    Huh, rather opposite the title of the last chapter, huh? Sets the opposite tone, huh? Well.... I'm not saying you're right.... But I'm not saying you're wrong.....
  19. The End Is Near
    Yeah, second to last chapter! WOOHOO! Chapter 19 is the second to last, making the next chapter the last one for Moonbeams Don't Make You Sparkle! Who's excited?!
  20. Rage Beat: If I Go Crazy
    Then will you still call me Super-Man? If I'm alive and well, will you be there, holding my hand? I'll keep you by my side with my super human might! Kryptonite! I want a new world! Last Chapter! YAY! The whole reason I wrote the story was so I could