Could Tell a Love 3

Could Tell A Love 3 Ch. 8

2 Months Later...

Eric said that they only had a few dates left before they came home. That was like music to my ears. He’s gonna be so surprised when he gets home. My stomach has gotten huge, well, not extremely huge, but bigger than what I was used to. The doctor said that the pregnancy was going wonderful and she doesn’t see any complications in the future, but she still worries about my blood pressure. It rises a little every time I go. I haven’t told her about the pains I’ve been having either, I just figure that they come with the pregnancy.

"So what do we plan on doing today?" Sarah asked, sitting on the couch next to me.

"Sitting on the couch, being lazy." I said simply.

"Oh, come on, Miranda. You’ve been doing that for the past two days. Lets take Skylar somewhere. He’s fricken restless." She hit my arm.

"Oh, fine, we’ll go somewhere. Where to? The park?" I asked, sitting up.

I heard Skylar gasp. "I love the park!"

I laughed. "Alright, the park it is." I got up and went to get dressed, along with Sarah.

"Sky is like, the dream kid, dontcha think? He didn’t throw any tantrums." I asked Sarah, slipping on some sweat pants and one of Eric’s shirts.

"I know, I thought watching him with you was gonna be hell, but it turned out to be amazing. I can tell he misses Beau and Jared, though, just like you can tell you miss Eric. A lot."

"I don’t know what you’re talking about." I said, sounding totally clueless.

"Like now, how you’re sniffing his shirt?" Sarah said, smirking, giving me an inquisitive eyebrow.

I looked at her, then down at my shirt and I was, indeed, sniffing it. It still smelled like Eric even after it was washed, and it was a comforting smell. "Shut up, I can’t help that I haven’t been able to see him in two months."

She laughed and hugged me. "I know, I know. I was just messin’ with you."

"Alright, I’m ready, lets head out." I said, grabbing a couple candy bars stashed on my bedside table and my bottle of water. "Come on, Skylar! Off to the park!"

"Awesome!" He shouted, walking in between Sarah and I, grabbing each of our hands.

On our way to the park, the pain started increasing immensely. Sarah seemed to notice and stopped us. "Miranda, you okay?"

"We should...sit down.." I said between breaths.

"Okay, okay, lets sit." Sarah started freaking out, leading me to a bench a couple yards down the sidewalk.

"Sarah, what’s wrong with Auntie Randi?" Skylar asked, also worried.

"The baby’s just kickin’, that’s all, honey." I said, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I pulled Sarah down to my level. "Take me to the doctor. Now." I said in a harsh whisper.

"Okay, okay..." Sarah said, almost breaking down, but keeping her composure as she ran back to the house to get the car, leaving me with Sky.

"That baby’s kickin’ pretty hard, isn’t it, Auntie Randi?" Skylar asked, going to touch my stomach.

"Sky, no, don’t touch. I’m in a lot of pain right now." I said, blocking his hand from my stomach.

"Oh, okay." He said, sitting on the bench next to me, taking my hand. "It’s gonna be okay, maybe the baby just misses Eric."

I looked at him and he was giving me a big smile. I couldn’t help but smile and move to hug him, even though it hurt me to do so. "Thank you, Sky, I hope everything’s okay."

I heard Sarah honk the horn and the door open and close. She helped me off the bench, into the passenger seat, and put Skylar in the backseat. She sped off to the doctors office.

"Oh, this is a surprise. Miranda, you look like something’s wrong." The doctor said, rushing over to us.

"She said that she’s been having a lot of pain in her stomach area for a few days now. She said that she just thought it was part of the pregnancy." Sarah said, almost on the verge of sobbing.

"Oh, no, no, no, definitely not. Come back with me, Miranda, quickly." She said, walking quickly into a different room with a bunch of different machines.

Then I realized this as the room where Eric was lying on his deathbed. This must be really bad.

The doctor was on the phone as soon as Sarah, Skylar and I got into the room. Within minutes, there were about ten people in the room.

"What the hell is going on?! Someone tell me what’s going on!" I yelled as they were strapping my arms down to the table.

"Your baby is going through a miscarriage, and if we don’t get it out of you, it will kill you." One of the ten people said as they started hooking IVs and other tubes into me.

"Get the hell away from me and my baby!" I yelled, but before I could protest, they stuck a needle in me and within seconds I was out cold.

Eric’s POV

My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out, and it was an unknown number. I pressed the "talk" button. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Eric Lambert?" A female voice came through the other end.

"Yes..who is this?" I asked, kinda creeped out.

"This is Dr. Anderson at the clinic. Something just happened with Mrs. Lambert. We’re afraid...we’re afraid that she had a miscarriage."

I was speechless. My mouth just hung open.

"I am terribly sorry for your loss. If you would like to come and see her, you could come tomorrow, or possibly later tonight, but right now she’s sedated." Dr. Anderson said, sounding very sincere.

Tears started falling out of my eyes and the words I was about to speak got caught in the back of my throat. This couldn’t be happening. Not to me. Not to Miranda. Not to our daughter...

"Thank you, I’ll be there first thing when I get home." I barely got a whisper out, then hung up.

Everyone was silent, until I was surrounded by the other three guys, while Mike was driving, Beau and Jared on each of my sides. "Eric, what happened?" Jared asked softly.

"Miranda...the baby...the baby...miscar.." I couldn’t even finish the whole sentence. The worst has happened. What I was worried about this whole time actually came true.

"Oh my god, Eric, I am so sorry." Beau said, and I felt hugs from both of them on each side of me. I broke down, unable to talk, think, or react to any of this any other way. My baby was dead, our baby was dead. She was never coming back. I wasn’t going to be a dad, Beau wasn’t gonna be a grandpa. I cried harder, if that was possible. My chest hurt, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t tell if it was because of the heartache of losing my first kid, how hard I was crying, or a combination of both.

"We have to go home. Now. Mike, now." Jared said sternly, then turning back to comfort me. I heard both Beau and Jared sniffling next to me. Matt kinda laid off while we mourned with each other.

After about an hour, we all kind of settled down to the point where we could form words.

"I don’t even understand how this could’ve happened. When I talked to her after her last appointment, they said everything was going perfectly. I can’t put two and two together." I explained out loud.

"It could’ve been something the baby did while in the womb. She might’ve gotten the umbilical cord wrapped around her throat and cut off her breathing.." Matt explained quietly.

I started sobbing again.

"Matt, please, don’t give him any mental pictures." Beau said, another tear falling down his face, massaging my shoulder like he’s been doing for the past hour. I think the massaging is keeping his composure intact.

"It’s okay, Beau. I might as well prepare for it. They’re gonna be using the same words and descriptions as he did." I said, wiping my eyes, thinking that it was impossible for me to produce any more tears.

I heard him sigh a shaky sigh and the massage on my shoulder stopped. I looked at him, and he was staring at me with sad eyes. I saw his lip quiver slightly, and he suddenly pulled me into him and completely broke down.

"I could’ve been a grandpa. Why did it have to turn out like this.." Beau said, slightly shouting. I’m sure he didn’t mean to, but he was crying so hard. I hugged him tighter to me as even more tears started falling.

He leaned away from me, looking like a mess. "Her and Skylar would’ve been really good friends."

I smiled and wiped my cheek. "I know."

Beau sniffled and tried gathering himself again. "Mike, how far away are we?"

"About a half hour." He answered.

"Oh god, I can’t wait that long. Could you drive faster?" I asked, feeling slightly panicked now.

"I’m already going fifteen over." He said.

I sighed. "Alright." I tucked my knees into my chest and hid my face, resting my forehead on my knees.

"Don’t worry, she’s gonna be fine. The doctor said she was sedated, not dying." Jared said quietly.

"I’m still so worried. I need to see her now. I need to know she’s okay, I need to see her. I can’t just hear it. Sometimes people underestimate situations when they’re talking about them."

"And you will see her tonight, don’t worry. Half hour isn’t that long."

"It is when your wife’s in the hospital." I said quietly.

No one said anything else the rest of the way there. Beau and Jared were still sitting close to me, comforting me, while Matt informed Mike on everything.

After what seemed like the longest half hour of my life, we all got out of the van and went into the hospital.

"Where’s Miranda Lambert’s room?" I asked hurriedly.

"Here I’ll show you. You’re the husband we’ve been waiting for, am I correct?" She said, the voice sounding familiar from the phone conversation.

"Yes, I am. Are you the nurse I talked to over the phone?"

"Yes, that would be me. Now, you can’t go in yet, since she’s still sedated, but she should be waking up in about a half hour or so, if you want to wait in the lounge for her." Dr. Anderson said.

"No, that’s okay. I’ll wait here." I said, sitting in the chair outside the room. I looked at the number and realized that it was the same room I had when I got sick.

"You want us to wait with you?" Matt asked.

"You can if you want, I’m not gonna force you." I said.

All four of them sit down with me. It made me feel a little better that they weren’t going to abandon me, or Miranda for that matter.

I started hearing soft mumbles coming from Miranda’s room about twenty minutes after we got there. Everyone looked up when they heard them, too. I got out of my chair and went to the door, putting my hand on the knob.

"Eric, you should probably get a nurse. There might be an alarm or something on the door." Jared advised, getting up and going to find a nurse.

I sighed and sat down again, putting my hands through my hair.

I heard Matt laugh a little.

"What? Does it look funny?" I asked in a fake defensive voice.

"Nope, not at all." He said, holding in his giggles.

I smiled and flattened out my hair again.

"Alright, Mr. Lambert, all of you heard her talking, is that correct?" Someone I’ve never seen before asked me, taking out keys.

"Yes, sir." I said, getting up. "Can we go see her now?"

"Yes you may, but only for a short period of time. We have to go in and do some tests shortly." He stuck the key in the door handle and opened it for us.

"Thank you so much." I said, walking into her room.

She looked pale and fragile. It might’ve just been the light, but she looked scary. I ran to her bedside and took her hand.

"Wha..whooo.." She said softly, then a smile came over her face. "Hey, you."

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, smiling as well, kissing her hand.

"Mmmm..."She started laughing, sounding like she was still slightly sedated. She looked at me for the first time this conversation.

I smiled. "I’m glad to see you’re okay."

She got a disgruntled look on her face. "No."

"No? What are you.."

"It’s all your fault." She said, slightly more aware.

"Wait, what?" I asked, totally blown away by what she just said.

"You should’ve never left. It’s your fault she died. It’s all your fault. You’re a horrible person." She said.

"Me leaving had nothing to do with what happened, Miranda.." I objected.

"NO! It had everything to do with it! It’s all YOUR fault the kid died inside me. He missed his dad and he got too sad, so he offed himself in my stomach." She said harshly, coldly.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "That’s not true. At all, and you know what Miranda." I said in a strong voice.

"But it is true. The baby would’ve survived if you wouldn’t have left."

"You don’t know that!" I yelled.

"I do."

"How. How the hell do you know something like that when trained professional doctors can’t even do that? And don’t give me that motherly instinct bullshit."

Miranda looked absolutely appalled. "Get out. Get out of this room. All of you. And Eric," She started.

I looked back at her, tears falling.

"Don’t even think about sleeping in my house. Grab your shit and get out." She said coldly.

I turned around and slammed the door, storming out of the hospital, Beau and Jared right behind me, while Matt, Mike, and Sarah followed behind us at a slower pace with Skylar.

"Eric, Eric stop. Slow down. Eric!" I felt my shoulders get pulled back, which put me to a stop.

"Calm down, Eric. Miranda was sedated and hormonal, she was still out of it. She had no idea what she was saying. We’ll just come back tomorrow, and she probably won’t remember any of this, and everything will be fine." Beau explained.

"Can I still sleep at your guys’ house?" I asked quietly, turning to walk slower out of the hospital towards the van.

"Of course." Jared said. "All your stuff is in the van, right?"

"Mhm." I said.

"Then just put it in Sarah’s trunk and we’ll take it to our house. Matt and Mike can take the van back." He said.

"Okay." I opened up the back van door and grabbed all my bags out of the back and piled them in Sarah’s trunk, along with Beau and Jared’s bags. We all got into the car and drove.

"I can’t believe she said all those things. How is it my fault?" I asked, feeling the need to break down again.

"It’s not your fault. Everything she was saying was bullshit."Beau said. "Don’t let any of it get to you."

"I’ll try, but it’s hard to try and not let it affect you when it was your wife that says it to you, the one person that you always thought would stand by your side through whatever shit happened. Hormonal and sedated or not, it was still her that said it." I brought my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on my knee, letting the tears that I was holding back fall down my cheeks. I can’t believe this is happening. None of this seems real. I looked out the window and saw the moon in the sky, a slight silver sliver in the sky, slightly covered by clouds. It looked amazing.

I looked over at Beau and Jared, who were talking quietly with each other. I heard Beau sniffle a little here and there, but didn’t interrupt them. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now. I just needed a night alone to think about everything and try to convince myself that Miranda still loved me even though this happened. I’m sure that Beau just wanted to be with Jared tonight, too.

I hid my face and continued sulking while the whole car was awkwardly silent, like everyone wanted to say something, but didn’t want to. They were all afraid of hitting some emotionally fragile nerve in me or Beau or even Jared.

Sarah pulled into the driveway and we all got out, grabbed our bags, and went in the house. Beau and Jared took Skylar to his room and put him to bed. They came out into the living room with Sarah and I about ten minutes later. I could tell Sarah wanted to say something more than anyone else.

"Sarah, if you want to say something, just say it." I said quietly, voice slightly raspy from the lack of talking.

"Whatever I was gonna say has already been said." She said.

"I don’t think so." I said.

She sighed. "I just don’t think you should’ve stormed out of the room like that after she bitched you out. You should’ve talked to her about it, no matter how sedated or hormonal she was. Fighting and not sorting things out never solves anything."

I nodded. "Well I kinda wasn’t thinking very rationally at the time. Hours before seeing her I heard that the baby died, so I was still really, really devastated."

"Yeah I know, which is why I didn’t want to say anything." She said quietly, looking at the floor.

Another blanket of silence fell over the four of us.

"Well, we’re gonna head off to bed. You can crash on the couch, Eric, or if Sarah wants to sleep there, it really doesn’t matter." Beau said, getting up with Jared. I got up as well, looking around for blankets and pillows.

Beau hugged me tightly, followed by Jared, both telling me to get some sleep and not worry too much, that everything was going to be okay and that Miranda will still want to be my wife tomorrow.

I wanted to believe them, I really did, but I didn’t know if I could do it honestly.