Wanted Words

Whispered Words

Gerard's P.O.V

Resting on the couch backstage, I glanced over at Frankie, watching him apply his black nail polish. I gave a slight smile as I looked at his face. His brow was slightly furrowed in concentration and his eyes were unwavering. It sent a shiver through me at the simple thought of Frank ever looking at me like that, god I wish he would.

I jumped slightly as I heard the shrill ring of a phone and looked over at Frank once more to see him pulling his phone out of his jeans pocket.

I loved the jeans he was wearing. They were so tight and fit him so perfectly. When he wore those on stage I had to try so hard to keep myself from staring at him and forgetting the words I was meant to be singing.

With his back to me, I saw Frankie run his hand through his hair. He then hung up the phone and turned slightly, looking at me for a split second. I gasped when I saw his face. His beautiful eyes were filled with unshed tears and his face was contorted in restrained pain. A second later and Frankie fled the room. I sat shocked for a few more seconds before I jumped from the couch and ran after the love of my life, praying that he was okay.

Sitting next to a toilet cubicle door, I listened as heart wrenching, sickening sobs ripped through Frank, who was on the other side of the door.
My heart ached for Frankie as I felt his pain through the door. After a few failed attempts to get him to open up to me, I slid under.

He lifted his head from his knees to look at me. Never before had I seen his eyes look so lost, so vulnerable, so fragile. His face was streaked with tears and mascara, he looked so broken. I mumbled for him to come to me and pulled him into my arms. I could feel his hot tears soak through my t-shirt as I mumbled words of comfort into his hair. I had no idea what was wrong but at this point I would turn the world upside down just to see his smile once more.

I could feel my own tears begin to slide down my face as I pleaded internally for him to be okay. Lifting his head from my shoulder, I held his face in my hands and wiped his tears away with my thumbs. Giving him a kiss on his forehead, I once again held him as tight as I could, whispering, “It’s okay, I’m here, I love you…”

3rd Person

Being lulled to sleep by Gerard’s beautiful, sweet voice, Frankie could have sworn that he heard Gerard mumble his love for him, but encompassed in Gerard’s warm body, Frankie passed it off as a dream. Gerard would never love him, especially as the emotional, ugly wreck that he was at this moment. But…then he heard it again…and again…
Lifting his head, Frankie stared into Gerard’s eyes…

Gerard's P.O.V

I have never been so scared in my life. Knowing that Frankie had heard me.

How could he not?

I just couldn’t control it anymore. Seeing him broken like this, needing to mend him. The pain of him not knowing of my love was so real that if I tore off my t-shirt, I am almost certain there would be deep, bleeding gashes over my heart.

So lost in my own thoughts and Frankie’s eyes, I was shocked when I felt his warm lips brush mine. I came back to reality to see him pull back slowly, opening his eyes and whispering to me, “Sing for me.”

It was my turn to press my lips to his this time, and pulling back just so our lips were still slightly touching, I began to sing to him.

“I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I’d never speak, awake and unafraid, asleep or dead…”

I was cut short by Frankie’s lips on mine once more before I heard him whisper, “I love you too, so much, for so long. Stay with me…please?”